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giggle. I've been giggling a lot tonight. Oh!! Mmm bop went the little green frog one day. Mmm bop went the little green frog. Mmm bop went the little green frog on day, and his eyes go Mmm bop, Mmm bop bop! Beep beep went the big red truck one day. Squish, squish went the little green frog. and his eyes don't go Mmm bop anymore cause they all got eaten by a dog, Aaroo!

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I'm good at doing that. I made my hottest aquatience today laugh in math class. I said I was sleepy and I layed on my calculater, I heard him giggle. Take it that it was almost 2:00 P.M. and I was sleepy, he laughed. Can someone get squid over here, that needs innueno'd

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I'm good at doing that. I made my hottest aquatience today laugh in math class. I said I was sleepy and I layed on my calculater, I heard him giggle. Take it that it was almost 2:00 P.M. and I was sleepy, he laughed. Can someone get squid over here, that needs innueno'd


Sorry, I don't see anything that would make an innuendo.


Or at least a good one.

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