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KOTOR III Fanfic Idea


Should I write my fanfic story based on this idea?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I write my fanfic story based on this idea?

    • Yeah! It's an interesting idea, that's for sure.
    • Revan? The Exile? Married?! Lucas would exile you!!!

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Do you think I should go ahead with my fanfic idea, or skip it?


Ten years have passed since Darth Traya was defeated by

the Jedi Exile upon Malachor V. A small party of Jedi has

since regrouped on Dantooine, and they have their new

headquarters at Khoonda. That isn't the only new

development in the galaxy since Traya died, however.


The Exile, a Light-Side-aligned female in this story, has

found the former Dark Lord Revan in the Outer Rim. The

two have fallen in love, both hoping that neither of them

will fall prey to the Dark Side since they have come

so close to it before. They have married, and they seek

the True Sith Empire, and the source of what corrupted Revan.


On Khoonda, a young male Padawan discovers that he does

not truly trust the wisdom of the Jedi Council, or the Jedi Code.

Yearning to be a Jedi Master and command greater power and

influence, he seeks what he desires through the Dark Side.

Once he discovers what has become of Revan and the Exile,

the Dark Padawan steals a ship off of Dantooine and seeks

the two Force sages out. He wishes to convert them once

and for all, for he believes it is only with their help that he

can bring the Old Republic to its knees, giving him the power

that it--and the Jedi Masters--denied him so long ago.


What do you think? Should I write this?

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Well I say if you want to write anything you should write it, But here is a friendly warming, the Bastila boys will want to murder you. Now I'm not bashing them, but if you browse the BLC thread of KFM don't be surprised if you see some violent reactions at a mere hint that Revan could love anyone other than everybody's favorite "spoiled princess". As for femExile fans they might be more leniant to the idea. Pretty much you either love her romance options or hate them, and niether is set in stone. Personally I rather play LSF Rev and LSM Exile and keep them with Carth and Visas respectively. But I must say the idea intrigues me, if you do write it tell me where you post it.

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Actually, in this particular fanfic, I'm having the "new PC" go to the

Dark Side because Revan and the Exile are already on the Light Side.


If my PC in this fanfic were on the Light Side, I think the Jedi Council

would ask the "new PC" to go on a mission to fight the True Sith.

However, my antihero wants to join the True Sith, when he finds

them, and with the converted Revan and Exile's help, he will finally

have his revenge on the Old Republic and the Jedi Council for hiding

their motives and denying him the authority and power he desires.


He also thinks that the Jedi Code is a bunch of hooey rather quickly.


P.S. Would you still read this story if I had Revan and Bastila together,

and the female Exile with Atton Rand?

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P.S. Would you still read this story if I had Revan and Bastila together,

and the female Exile with Atton Rand?


I actually like where you are going with this but shouldn't boil down to a choice. What if this Jedi has the inner torment and doesn't know whether or not to trust the wisdom of the Jedi Code fully. His journey to seek out Revan and the Exile would lead him down to his final decision where there is no turning back.


As for the romance, doesn't the female exile have a romantic thing with the disciple as well or who have the option to start one?

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Yes, that is correct. I like your idea, too, JediMaster, about how the PC's

journey leads him to choose the light or dark path. And the Exile, if female,

can have a romance with the Disciple, but I always thought he was a little

too old for her. I like Atton better, so I'll have the female Exile with him. :)

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I say go for the story just for the heck of it, but you know that realistically if the Exile was being female in this story and she marries Revan that Bastila would not take to the news well. But the stray Padawan thing isn't a thing I would go for. Especially since the "true" Sith have yet to reveal themselves according to TSL.

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I say go for the story just for the heck of it, but you know that realistically if the Exile was being female in this story and she marries Revan that Bastila would not take to the news well. But the stray Padawan thing isn't a thing I would go for. Especially since the "true" Sith have yet to reveal themselves according to TSL.


Point taken there but that is what the imagination is for. It's actually quite fun to speculate what happens next. I personally thought that Revan (female) would fly in the Hawk to a planet that was protected somehow by the force and that the sentients there looked almost like the elves in Lord of the Rings, but that's my thought. I haven't even begun to think how TSL would tie in.

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