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1 Month Later: Where's our Patch?


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I say LA releases an Elder Scrolls/Grand Theft Auto type single player game, with open ended gameplay class systems, vehicles, etc. that take place on different worlds. Sure it would take a long time to produce, but that is a game worth waiting for. And Galaxies doesn't count.



Oh yeah this is from Gametoast, apparently a dev posted this:


The latest ::


The patch should be completed in about a week. BUT, it has to go through testing and may or may not be bundled with a LEVEL EDITOR application. It will depend on when the LEVEL EDITOR is complete.


So, don't expect it next week. This patch addresses the dual core CPU issue along with other technical bugs, but may include some gameplay and user interface fixes. Don't expect any new levels, weapons or characters, etc., in this patch.

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"in this patch" instead of "in the patch" implies there will be more patches.


I don't mind waiting for the patch to go through testing, as long as we are told there is going to be a patch and it is being worked on. I don't want it rushed through testing.


I don't think it should be bundled with a level editor. Most people don't edit levels and would have to waste the extra time downloading it.


technical bugs: spawn bug, map switching improvments

gameplay fixes: units rebalanced, AI adjustments, prone(?)

user interface: (I haven't had any menu GUI problems) maybe fixing chat text


(note: these are just my ideas on the break down of the other post)

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Well, I think rather than fixing things about unbalancing lets fix important things

> Elite Snipers not firing

> Cannot quit to main menu sometimes

> Award effects blocking zoomed views

> No 1st person mode on some vehicles, and its not just the lack of interface.

> Cannot capture CP problems, even after all enemies in range are killed

> Burst Meter fail to regen

> Different 1st person gun models for different guns. No more guessing which gun your Boba is holding.

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  Tyler_Durden said:
This may be off topic but are those IP address things in people's signatures supposed to scare people? Just so everyone knows, IP addresses change all the time and are not admissable as concrete evidence in any court of law. Take that for what you will.

Its in my sig, because I like looking at it and seeing the stats of a computer I am on when not at home. Statics IPs don't change and IP addresses are used as evidence in US courts. ISPs do know what user account was using what IP at a given time.


I have never had capturing CP problems (sure someone wasn't hiding nearby out of sight or invisible?) but I do argee with the weapon models. Each wepon should have its own.

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Several things:

1) The clone army is an ARMY. Think of how well they'd do in Iraq, North korea or Iran with decent guns, decent equipment, decent aim etc. That's why they have optical enhancers, heavy gear etc. Heck, they hired a marine for motion capture!


2) To tell squads apart, they're colour coded.

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  Tyler_Durden said:
This may be off topic but are those IP address things in people's signatures supposed to scare people? Just so everyone knows, IP addresses change all the time and are not admissable as concrete evidence in any court of law. Take that for what you will.


All kinds of sites can display your IP, it's nothing difficult. The thing is his sig doesn't log the IP and send it to somebody, it just displays the IP of whomever is visiting. If you're using a proxy, it'll detect that instead. ;)


Yeah, it is supposed to scare people, but people who don't know the internet very well.


PS: If those clones were sent to Iraq, the first thing they'd need to do is ditch the white/purple armor (they can keep the camo version, just tweak it for desert/urban setting).

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  Redtech said:
Several things:

1) The clone army is an ARMY. Think of how well they'd do in Iraq, North korea or Iran with decent guns, decent equipment, decent aim etc. That's why they have optical enhancers, heavy gear etc. Heck, they hired a marine for motion capture!


2) To tell squads apart, they're colour coded.


No, you don't understand my question. What I'm wondering is what those yellow units are used for (are they snipers, perhaps?) and why didn't we see them in Battlefront 2?

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The roles given the troops in SWBF/2 has little to do with their use in the movies. I wouldn't go by what we see in this game as accurate anywhere outside the game, just FYI!


In AOTC, there were two types of "Yellow" Clones. One type was a pilot, the other type was a Commander (IIRC). In ROTS they supposedly changed the color coding from designating rank to designating division (again IIRC).


It's all in the ROTS Visual Dictionary (which I don't own) I think...

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It's a lot like how certain Villains/Heroes appear on locations they never did go to in the movies, or the EU.


Still, it's silly to have the Clonetrooper on the Battlefront 2 cover to wield that rifle the Stormtroopers use.


I certainly hope we can get some real good patches, with more maps and new Heroes and Villains. I think the bugs and such should be fixed at first, though.

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