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help with animated placeables


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I get same problem and from what I know you can't edit animated placeables. I was try to make new model for forcecage and animation was down. Same result was when I export ascii model and recompile without loading in 3d editor or make any modification. So, beside editing textures you can't do much.

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what's with them? if i edit placeables with smoke, sparks and stuff - say i make a reskin - when it's done there's no smoke, no sparks, no nothing. i'm using kotorTool, 3dsmax and mdlops.


I believe this is because those placeables use (effect) emitters, and I don't think MdlOps is able to handle importing/exporting emitters properly at the moment.

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I believe this is because those placeables use (effect) emitters, and I don't think MdlOps is able to handle importing/exporting emitters properly at the moment.

i see. both kotorTool and mdlOps get me…

node dummy smoke_robo03
 parent PLC_Robo2Lie
 position -0.0882067978382111 0.193268999457359 0.414036005735397
 orientation -0.0552953157860918 0.998450240073261 -0.00630131126382281 3.1714799408918
 alpha 0
 wirecolor 1 1 1
 specular 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
 shininess 0.000000

…just this about the emitter would-be (it's a smoky broken mining droid), there must be some keyword for the vfx that has no match in the script language, how sad :(

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i was thinking maybe the vfx's of a model are defined somewhere else. i just learned about walkmeshes, before this i could walk right through the placeable. am i just missing something? :) now as far as i know, making a placeable is all about: mdl, mdx, utp, pwk, placeabes.2da, placeableobjsnds.2da and placeabletypes.2da …is there more to the goddamn thing? >_<'

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The KotOR *.mdl/*.mdx formats are proving very hard to decipher, and a lot of data in them hasn't been deciphered yet. So, even though the animations have been cracked, as cchargin said, there are a few meshes that aren't supported by NWMax (the utility that imports/exports model files), because it was made for NWN, and there are holes in the data stuctures as well, so you probably have to wait for a while until you can edit the placeable in question and have it work properly.

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the replacer function in MDLOps is not just for lightsabers! You can use it with placeables also. That will get around the animation and emitter problems.
i guess it's time to find out what's this replacer function …*reading*… i see :) so i could replace the trimesh directly into the binary model and keep the effect emitters. will do, thanks a lot
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