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just a bit depresed...


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Well i am sufferign from post holiday depression.. among other things...


I dont feel i was able to enjoy the holidays that much.. and if i did there really wasn't anyone close to be to enjoy it with... no freinds or peers. Yes there is family.. but that is differant.


With working like a dog leading up to the holidays i really did not get a chance to sit and enjoy the season much... was either sleeping.. or shopping. or jsut kinda wandering on the net...


a few other things happened recently that i rather keep private.. or at least away from the boards. suffice it to say.. i need some cheering up.. or good freindly cheer

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cheer up man. as long as you have friends anf family, the holidays can be around whenever you want them to be



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Um... i got family.. (tho living with them dont help much)


and freinds... um the online kind are not all that great (no offense) and i really am too shy to find real ones... tho it seems to me no one wants to be MY freind.. it is allways me being the freind... not healthy....

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Well I for one am very very happy as I just found a fantastic deal for a new PC. Just pretend you're me and all your problems will just melt away!



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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