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Custom Music


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Take a look in assets0.pk3/music/. That is where all in-game music is stored. Most multiplayer music tracks are located in assets0.pk3/music/mp/. If you want to modify any of these, just create a pk3 and put it in your base folder, add a /music/ folder into it, and place an mp3 inside there (give it the same name as the one in assets0.pk3 you want to replace). Be sure not to edit assets0.pk3 itself.


For example, I made a simple 'custom_mp_music.pk3' file with the following files and folders.






It replaces all the music used in the standard JA CTF maps with tracks from the Star Wars films.

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You can change your model to an NPC model via the console command /playermodel npc-name - e.g. /playermodel stormtrooper. This can also affect your playerteam (whether enemies/allies will attack you or not) and your stats (maximum force, for example), however.


Another way would be to download a mod (try the sites StaffSaberist linked to) that adds new 'species' to the create-a-player menu that you get when starting a new single-player game.

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In single player?


1. Open up the pk3 file that includes the skin, using a program such as WinRar or WinZip.

2. Navigate to /models/players/ within the pk3.

3. There should be one folder inside (or more, if the file includes multiple skins). Write down the name of the folder (if there are more, work out which one is the skin you're after). It will probably be something along the lines of 'Vader' or 'VaderSkin', etc.

4. Close the pk3 file.

5. Open up Jedi Academy, and load your current save to continue from where you left off (or make a new game, whatever).

6. Bring up the console and enter /playermodel followed by the name of the skin that you noted down in step 3. For example, /playermodel Vader or /playermodel VaderSkin.

Optional: 7. If allies attack you and enemies do not, type /playerteam TEAM_PLAYER. You might also have to type /enemyteam TEAM_ENEMY, I'm not sure.

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