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Casting call.....KOTOR: Darkness falls.


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HEy welcome to the RP Darth Beowulf. Not to sound like a total jerk, but Sions's wounds were an accumulation from a multitude of battles and near death experiences. Each one should have killed him, were it not for the wayhe learned to manipulate his own pain at malachor V, making him immortal.

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okay you guys got a point im just trying to make my guy sound cool. BUt it doesnt mean that Jacen couldn't have inflicted at least some of the wounds. I mean seriously my guys one tough cookie. And that whole love story thing I was just blaberin. plus my dude was trained by Malak and the Jedi council. just thought id add that my character was told by the true sith to go to coruscant and kill Revan and the council. plus being brainwashed and all he'll do whatever they tell him to. and one thing why was sion such a panzy in KOTOR 2 i mean they could have at least made the fight more of a chalenge. also who cares who inflicted sions wounds heck he could have been an emo goth when he was alive and cut himself for no reason

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Was there no backstory in the game for Sion? I wouldn't know as I've never played it... but it seems to me they'd have thought through where he came from and why he was that way. Maybe Sion knows the Sion backstory (how unbelieveably odd that sounds :p )... so sure, your character can be cool, but do try to be realistic too.


As for a love story... that's pretty much guaranteed around here (see other threads for evidence of this)... but something like that isn't much scripted... just let the story flow and the love story will appear.

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Name: Abraxius (Brax)

Age: Unkown

Species: Omwati

Alignment: Dark Side

Appearance: Brax stands at about 1.8 meter's, he has pale blue skin, dark black eye's with a circle of red that is nearly untoicable around the pupil. His hair is dark grey in color and is cut in such a way that it hangs behind his ears, and down to nearly his shoulders. He looks thin and wirey, but not weak. He wears two black metal gauntlet's with sharpened claws on the tips of each finger, the claws a deep red in contrast to his skin and the rest of the metal. He wears black leather pants, black boots, a red tunic, and a black cape with red claw marks on the lower left side.

Class: Guardian

Weapon: Force Gauntlet's

BIO: Long ago in the early ages of the Republic a mission formed by the jedi was sent into the farthest reaches of the galaxy, the Jedi were never heard from again. But since then every so often rumors of a force using cult in the depths of the unknown region have been heard. Finding both the sith and the jedi to be wrong this cult has been stirred by the actions of Revan in the regions near them, and they have sent a lone Guardian into the galaxy to find out, accompanied only by the ancient astromech droid that the original expidition had brought with them, the holocron that has taught all his order, and the sword shaped single person fighter that all his order are trained to fight, he seeks Revan, the Jedi, and the Sith, to discover what the future holds for the galaxy.

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Was there no backstory in the game for Sion? I wouldn't know as I've never played it... but it seems to me they'd have thought through where he came from and why he was that way. Maybe Sion knows the Sion backstory (how unbelieveably odd that sounds :p )... so sure, your character can be cool, but do try to be realistic too.


As for a love story... that's pretty much guaranteed around here (see other threads for evidence of this)... but something like that isn't much scripted... just let the story flow and the love story will appear.



Sion has a backstory.....it began on a cold winters eve..........lol j/k. NO like most of the KOTOR II characters, he is left somehwat in the dark, however is far more developed than Nihilus. Sion began as a young force sensitive, who trained at MAlak's academy on Korriban, he was present there after Malak's defeat, and tells the exile as much in-game. "I was there on korriban when the sith turned on eachother like beasts." He escaped into the unknown, where the Dark Side of the force lured him to MAlachor V, as it had lured Kreia, and Nihilus. There he learned an ancient and evil technique. HE learned the ways of pain, and mastered it so fully, that by inflicting it, or suffering it, only increased his own power. His wounds were an accumulation of years of battle, and encounters that would have killed anyone else. His power in the Darkside was so, that it flowed through him, and kept his shattered form in tact, immune to injury, even death. He hates his former master kreia, even though at times he seems to view her in a motherly fashion.

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sorry about the character control, whoever is controlling revan, i didnt exactly get the concepts of RP ing back then. anyhoo, hers my char:

Name: Holner Deas aka Darth Kreta

Age: 30

Species: Human Male

Alignment: 100% Dark Side

Appearance: The usual KotOR Dark Side transition.

Class: Sith Marauder

Weapon: Two Saberstaffs. One purple and the other red.

BIO: Darth Kreta was a young Correlian boy with lots of Force potential in his early years, but even at such a tender age, his parents treated him badly. His farther was a respected Crime Lord in Correlia. Finally, at the age of 13, he rebelled and fled his home. On the way, he met a Sith Apprentice who was headed to the local cantina and was recognised for his potential. The Apprentice took him to a temporary training base located in the deep natural caverns of Rhen Var. Now he is a Sith Lord and the only one in Sith History who is successfully able to wield one saberstaff in each hand. His connection to the Force give him an edge in every battle. Presently he is serching for DarthSion101's character and trying to defeat him in battle to proclaim himself as the true Sith Emperor.

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My second Character.......a good guy.....I know......your all shocked.


Name: Kelborn

age: Mid 30's

Species: Human

Appearance: Red Mandalorian armor and helmet.

Alignment: Grey

Class: Mandalorian

Weapons: 2 Mandalorian ripper pistols, one green lightsaber.

Info: Kelborn is a mandalorian soldier, who fought during the Mandalorian wars. He is currently the second in command of the Mandalorian clans reunited under the new Mandalore, Canderous Ordo. He fought briefly with the exile during the battle of onderon against colonel Tobins soldiers, and aided the Exile in destroying the Ravager. He has been sent by Mandalore to aid The exile and Revan in their journies. He is an exceptionally skilled warrior, and is proficient with a lightsaber, despite not being force sensitive.

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Here's something I got of Wookieepedia(a Wikicity from Wikipedia):


The Mandalorians (called Mando'ade in Mando'a,meaning "Sons and Daughters of Mandalore", pronounced /mændəlɔːiːʌn/) were a clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species. Their culture revolved around battle, and their warriors wore heavy armor that concealed their face. The leader of the Mandalorians typically took on the title of "Mandalore." Mandalorians were frequently allied with the Sith, most notably Exar Kun and much later as a prototype for the clone trooper under the power of Darth Sidious and the Galactic Republic.


Originally, the Mandalorians were a gray-skinned warrior race descended from the Taungs of Coruscant. Later, members of other species joined their ranks, until humans made up the majority of their ranks. In later years, races as diverse as Togorians, Kerestians, and Mandallian Giants also joined the Mandalorians. Mandalorians spoke their own language, Mando'a, but many spoke Galactic Basic as well.


Mandalorians had distinctive battle helmets, with characteristic T-shaped visors.

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Name: Granthax

Age: Thousands of years old

Species: Gen'Dai

Alignment: Light

Appearance: http://starwars.wikicities.com/wiki...C%27daiface.jpg


Class: Jedi Consular

Weapon: Lightsaber(green)(built in to armor), Staffsaber(green)(build in to armor)(detatchable), and other nasty suprises.(what weapons Durge has)

BIO: A very old, very wise Jedi, Granthax has lived for thousands of years, watching other Jedi become grand protecters. He was severly injured by a Sith(blown up from the inside on Nar Shaddaa) and has recently reformed to his old self near the spaceport.

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