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Aiané Amidala

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She looks good in any clothes. She would look better out of them:D

Anywaqy, I cant ell you which ones are my least favourite - the one she wore in TPM. The black dress with the massive head thing. And the white make-up made her look like a prostitute, IMO.

Welcome to LucasForums, Aiane Amildala!

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when you guys dont like something you truely get spiteful.


the entire red outfit, including the makeup, was the standard of her office. the makeup had a cultural signifigance as well. the voice was also monotoned and not intended to be an english accent which is why you think it was terrible. and shes not much out of the dress, either, ive seen teh beach pictures.


as for my favorite it would have to be the red one....gasp....i know..i said the red one you guys hate...reason being is that was beautifully put together and had that top level Gasia look to it.



a prostitute?!? even your high class hookers dont dress or apply makeup that well..hell, most of your top level circus clowns would and are in awe.

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Well generally when she was dressed as the Queen in episode I she sounded more English because it was Keira Knightley speaking... and she's English.


Me, I thought the clone trooper's uniforms were great, especially in Episode III.

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I liked a few outfits here and there. The red one in her office, during the invasion, wasn't that bad. Better than the one she wears in the next scene, and on Couruscant towards the middle of their stay (in my most humble opinion). Of course, they're all feats of engineering, so to speak. I liked Sabé's outfit, if that counts.

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