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I have a request.


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First of all, I'd like to know why I've been banned. Twice. Karasownz and kontrabass.


Second of all, I'd like to know who banned me.


Insofar as I can tell, there is no legitimate reason for which I was banned.


True, I jokingly called someone a troll, though I took it back, and I know him anyway, so it doesn't matter. Apparently I was accused of being a sock, though I was not. I have not previously registered here. Someone assumed I was someone else without sufficient evidence, and I got the ban. The only other thing I did that could possibly be misconstrued as being bad is being a little mean to melord, who, as we all know, was the bad guy in the situation, for he is banned, and on reasonable grounds, not grounds of him being someone else.


And as kontrabass..just made a couple german jokes :S


Kurgan, do you understand German? If so, you should know it's a joke from the ridiculous content of it. If not, then you wouldn't even know.


Anyone who sympathizes with me, say LoL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Delete your post pal, before a mod/admin sees this. Check the forum rules, don't re-register once you've been banned. It sucks that you were banned over a few jokes, but still... most bans are temporary bans, lasting only a day or two. Registering again calls for a permanent ban. And for future reference, if your allowed to stick around, post only in English! ;)

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So you're saying I shouldn't be able to know WHY I was banned?


And no one said it was a day or two either, I can only ASSUME it's to be permanent because they seem to have convinced themselves that I am someone who I am not, someone they don't like. Believe it or not, I am no sock.



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Cool it.



I can relate, but I should say that the best thing to do is just not do anything if you're banned. Perm bans are issued to those who seriously break the rules. You won't get a perm ban over a few distasteful jokes.


Now, I suggest you resign yourself to the fact that you were banned, and you'll never know why. You shouldn’t question the logic of the mods, as it'll probably result in another, longer, ban. My advice is to PM your nearest super mod and ask for feedback: "What am I doing wrong?", etc. Do not accuse, or do anything to put them in blame, as they aren't to blame to begin with. Someone obviously thought that you needed a swift ban, for whatever. Fine.


And just a quick note: if you are being harassed by another member, note the yellow circle below the number of posts a person has, in each post. This will report said post to a moderator. Do not abuse this. But if the situation calls, simply report the problem via this button. Do not report trivial bull****. It won't be tolerated. For more information, I suggest reading the forum rules.

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I can relate, but I should say that the best thing to do is just not do anything if you're banned. Perm bans are issued to those who seriously break the rules. You won't get a perm ban over a few distasteful jokes.


How do you know? I waited a few days and was not unbanned. Therefore, I can only be led to think that it is a permanent ban.


And I wouldn't call it distasteful jokes even, dude. It might be a distasteful joke if I were to say yo mama had a wood floor. But not for calling a friend a troll, yo dawg!!


Now, I suggest you resign yourself to the fact that you were banned, and you'll never know why. You shouldn’t question the logic of the mods, as it'll probably result in another, longer, ban.


Oh yeah, shouldn't ask for logic anywhere. If they ban me, then they have a reason to ban me. It could be a logical reason (which it isn't in this particular case). It could be mistaking me for someone else. Or it could be hatred of Germany, etc. I ask to know why. Is this so hard to answer? I don't even know WHO did it. Should I not be allowed to know why? Do not be ridiculous, kind sir.


My advice is to PM your nearest super mod and ask for feedback: "What am I doing wrong?", etc. Do not accuse, or do anything to put them in blame, as they aren't to blame to begin with. Someone obviously thought that you needed a swift ban, for whatever. Fine.


Who did I blame? I did not blame anyone, though you may have interpreted what I said as blaming Kurgan. I only mention his name because I've heard his name in conjunction with banning or admins or something, plus he talked **** to me in the other thread.



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You're treating this like I'm flaming you. I'm not. All of my comments are in future tense. I barely skimmed your original post: I don't care about your predispositions. I'm just giving you tips on how to get out of the situation, based off of past experience.




Spamming useless pictures will get you banned (with just cause, I might add). So knock it off.

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