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Bright Gold Monkeys

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Hundreds of them. Cluttering up my driveway...they appear to be pre-columbian in origin. Darn kids!


No. Actually, this is another Big Guy Mask--or gal in this case, this 1K party being for Rosie (-crantz.) smile.gif


<center><img src="http://smilecwm.tripod.com/monsieurboo/grdmartien.gif" height=425 width=200></center>


eek.gif Yaa-ah!


Congrats, Rosie on attaining thousandhood, and being our friend. smile.gif Drinks, band, etc. are on R9 (naturally)--so have fun!




'Get out of my sky!'

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Guest Coffeebean_uk

Happy millenium Rosie. Enjoy your thousnth post.



Lestes constase mit column cantes.


Dont know what it means but it sounds good!

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Guest rosencrantz

<font color="orange"> BAH-HAHAHAHAaaaa....</font color="orange">

what the smack!? i just was directed to this thread biggrin.gif sorry for my late appearance. are we still partying!? *looks really really hopeful and makes her eyes look all pitiful and sad so everyone will come out and play* <font size=1>


[This message has been edited by rosencrantz (edited January 13, 2001).]

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Guest rosencrantz

here's a good game for my party! i present to you a song lyric, first correct answer gets a shiny prize! biggrin.gif



"big green monkey, everyone's a junkie

<font size=1>heh heh heh, good luck you (place insult here)</font>

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Congrats Ros! Hope to see a few more thousand posts from ya!



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Guest AceAzzameen

Damn, another person I was around to witness their first post but has blown by me in terms of post count. If I'm not there by March I want a BGM for my two year anniversary, and to hell with it. biggrin.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Wally the space dolphin pledges thirty-five of his posts toward Ace's tally, and says he thinks it's really great that someone is doing something about the homeless tree problem.


That 536 so far. I can give you another twenty, since I'll probably blow right past 1K myself in a week or so...making 556 your new post tally.



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