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New Mod - Star Wars: Fleet Command for EaW


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(This is not only an accouncement, but also a request for help. I have all of the low poly (250-500 for fighters, ~1000+ for capital ships) textured models at my disposal, but many of them need "sprucing up", shall we say. Please contact me by PM, or leave a message in this thread with offers of assistance (or e-mail me at my listed e-mail). I am currently looking for high and low poly 3D modellers with access to 3DSMax, texturers/skinners with access to Photoshop, ), a webmaster/designer, and a co-designer/scripter)




Star Wars: Fleet Command


Star Wars: Fleet Command (or SWFC) is a mod designed around the idea of enhancing and expanding Space Combat and the Galaxy Modes within Star Wars: Empire at War to include much of the expanded universe material. The SWFC therefore has the following goals in mind:


  • Expand upon the types of ships available for use in Space Combat

  • Deepen the tech tree and upgrades to correspond with technology development on both sides over time

  • Enable capturing of ships in Space Combat (if possible)

  • Complete the Galactic Map by expanding it to include all known, and interesting, worlds (tentative)


Expanding the ground combat area of EaW is not currently in this mod's scope. Adding races is not a primary vision of this mod, however, pirates/mercs are a definite possibility.


No website currently exists for this mod, but I am throwing some concepts around in my head :)


The following ships will definetely make an appearance:


Strike Cruiser



TIE Defender

Corellian Gunship


Executor Super Star Destroyer

...and many more!

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Interesting. I will consider this.


Here's our current model/shiplist. This is by no means complete, as it does not include any utility/freight craft:


Fighters - Extremely manueverable craft tasked with engaging enemy bombers and providing supporting fire against capital ships.

  • Z-95 Headhunter

  • X-Wing

  • A-Wing

  • E-Wing

  • TIE Fighter

  • TIE Interceptor

  • TIE Advanced

  • TIE Defender

  • TIE Phantom


Bombers - Slow, but very heavily-armed ships tasked with hunting and killing enemy capital ships.

  • Y-Wing

  • B-Wing

  • TIE Bomber

  • Assault Gunboat

  • Missile Boat

  • Skipray Blastboat


Capital Ships - Very large, multi-crew starships capable of bringing truly impressive firepower to the table. Often, these ships find themselves protecting the heavier capital ships, as well as each other, from attacking fighters and bombers.

  • Corellian Corvette

  • Modified Corellian Corvette

  • Corellian Gunship

  • Marauder Corvette

  • Nebulon-B Frigate

  • Bulk Cruiser

  • Strike Cruiser

  • Assault Frigate

  • Dreadnought

  • MC40a Light Mon Cal Cruiser

  • Raptor Ion Frigate

  • Nebulon-B2 Modified Frigate

  • Carrack Cruiser

  • Lancer Frigate

  • Thor Cruiser


Heavy Capital Ships - Among the largest, most powerful ships in existence, heavy capital ships act as command centers and bombardment platforms of the highest caliber. Although they can hardly hit oncoming fighters, other capital ships of all types have much to fear from these behemoths.

  • MC80 Calamari Cruiser

  • MC80a Calamari Cruiser

  • MC80b Calamari Cruiser

  • MC90 Calamari Cruiser

  • Viscount Star Defender

  • Victory Star Destroyer I

  • Victory Star Destroyer II

  • Imperial Star Destroyer I

  • Imperial Star Destroyer II

  • Executor Super Star Destroyer

  • Sovereign Super Star Destroyer

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Sorry 2 say this Juggernaut but plz done join LoW cus if you are lead designer i am very much considering joining Fleet Command but however if you do join LoW than you'll find me geting that modd aswell. So in anycase i will be geting 1 of these 2 modds :)

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This is the same kind of SW:FC to Star Trek: Armada :) EaW uses a very similar engine to the Armada series (at least in the basics), so it shouldn't be a terribly difficult transfer.


The idea is to learn EaW modding doing SW:FC, and then take that knowledge and apply it to doing Star Trek vs. Star Wars for EaW.


I'm hoping to drag some of my armada modding buddies from retirement to form a seperate team to do B5.

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im a lil bit confused now...what will this mod be aubout?

will it be about star wars ans adding new ships from the star wars universe or will it convert Empire at War to the Star Trek Universe?


i think im going to post this as news when you got your first models and maybe your own homepage.

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im a lil bit confused now...what will this mod be aubout?

will it be about star wars ans adding new ships from the star wars universe or will it convert Empire at War to the Star Trek Universe?


i think im going to post this as news when you got your first models and maybe your own homepage.


There are really two mods we're going to focus on:


Star Wars: Fleet Command - This will focus on adding Expanded Universe content to the EaW game (Starships and Planets), as well as enhancing the overall gameplay dynamic and likely improving the AI.


Star Trek vs. Star Wars - This mod will be developed either concurrently with, or right after, Fleet Command. The idea of this mod is as simple as it's title: add the Star Trek races, and perhaps the Star Trek galaxy, and mix it up with the Star Wars content developed for Fleet Command. It's a decidedly more ambitious project than FC.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been looking for the A2 StarTrek Versus StarWars and Star Wars: Fleet Command mods for about a year now. I can only seem to find the 0.5 demo, and thats only on a armada2.filefront.com


Can you please enlighten me as to where I can get those expertly made mods? :vsd:

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Hey Stalker, it's Enon, a long time ago player and community member for St vs Sw (both 1 & 2) and all other projects. Any word from Jc or Loccu? Anyways, I am very excited to see this mod in the works and am extremely excited to see the Sovereign SSD and hopefully the Eclipse in action. If you need any members for your modding team to come up with ideas or possible map scenarios, or just a beta tester who doesn't mind reinstalling the mod ten thousand times and sending bug reports. I have a lot of ideas and would do my best to contribute. Anyways, nice to see you and Bel Iblis again old friends.




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