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[FIC]The Destruction of the Sith

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J.K dont make them older, just look at Anakin and Padme, they proved that age is just a number. Im enjoying this fic by the way


Yeah, well they were older (and I believe that Anakin was 18 when they got married). I don't think it's right that a fifteen-year-old should get pregnant. I mean 1.) that's just wrong, and 2.) It's stagitory until she's sixteen. (I love Law and Order SVU...)

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w00t new chapter!! :fist: (always wanted to do that icon)


Chapter 2


James felt great and horrible at the same time. If he failed, more people than just him would die, but, it felt so great to have a challenge. James felt inspired. He felt a new wave of confidence. He used this new wave of confidence to push his lightsaber, and gained some ground. Rexes became worried. He hadn’t expected it. He had hoped that if he told him that he was his father’s killer, James would feel scared, and defeated. Yet, he seemed better. This isn’t good, he thought.

James broke the lock, and attacked. This time, Rexes had to move swiftly and block it. James went after him. He swiped, continually. Finally, Rexes, recognizing defeat, moved towards the window, destroyed it with a swipe of his blade, and jumped onto the balcony. “Goodbye, until we meet again!!” he yelled, jumping up, and landing on the roof.

“Get back here!!” James yelled. Rexes just waved and walked away. James was fuming. He took a few deep breathes and calmed himself. He went on the elevator and headed down to the lobby. He got off, and Amanda greeted him. “Did you kill him?” she asked.

James laughed grimly. “No. He got away. But, I think I scared him.”

“With your ‘excellent lightsaber skills?’”

“No, with my telekinesis abilities.”

“Shut up.”

“Listen, were going to have to cut this vacation short, mom and the Council should know about Rexes.”

Amanda sighed. “Yes, you’re right.”

“I’m sorry. I really am. I wish that it could go on too. But this is important.”

Amanda angered suddenly. “Why? I mean, yeah, a Sith is important. But, what’s so bad about waiting another day??”

James sighed. “That was the killer of my father.”

Amanda gasped. “Sorry. I really am. I shouldn’t have said that…”

“It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not. I shouldn’t have been mad at you like that.”

“Do you mind if we leave?”

“No, no, no. Let’s go.”

They walked out onto the street, and James flagged down an air-taxi. “Ladies first,” he said with a grin. She shook her head and got into the cab.

“Landing platform 34521,” James read to the driver from a piece of paper.

It took a while to get there. James got out and paid the driver, then walked towards the Ebon Hawk. “Coming?” he called towards Amanda.

She walked over, appearing distracted, and said, “How do you think that Jaq will…react…to us?”

James walked onto the Ebon Hawk, saying, “Well, there’s only one way to find out isn’t there? But, we shouldn’t tell them just yet.”

“Why not?”

James rolled his eyes. “Were Jedi? Remember?”


James set the ship for the Ebon Hawk for Dantoonie. “I’m gonna get some shut-eye,” he said. “On a real bed this time,” he added winking.

It took two days to get there. They decided that they would tell James’ mom first, then the Council.

“You’re sure that it was him?” asked Brianna after hearing the story.

“Yea, I’m pretty sure. He knew too much about us for it not to be him,” answered James. “And, it sounded like he was the apprentice, not the master, like he used to be.”

At this, Brianna sounded much more alert. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, he said something about how some guy had helped him become a droid,” replied Amanda.

“That’s interesting. Well, you should tell the Jedi Council.” James and Amanda got up to leave, when Brianna said, “Hold on James, I need to talk to you for a second. Go ahead Amanda.”

Once Amanda had left, she asked, “How did it go between you two?”

James smiled. His mother didn’t miss a thing. He quickly explained all that had happened between Amanda and him.

“You’re an awful lot like your father,” she said, once he had finished.

James laughed. “We both have a thing for beautiful women. Well, he had a thing for women.”

Brianna rolled her eyes. “Exactly what he would have said. Well, you better catch up with Amanda.”

He ran, and caught up with Amanda. “What did she want?” she inquired.

“Nothing, nothing,” he evaded.

Once the Council had appeared, they told them everything, though leaving out the part about them.

“And why exactly were you at Coruscant?” Kavar asked.

“Just helping my padawan get some hands on experience,” James lied.

“We should wait,” Dorak commented.

“I agree,” they all chimed in.

So they waited…

3 years later


“Better, you’re getting better. But still not good enough to face someone of my caliber,” James joked, watching Amanda.

“Shut up, you know that I would whip your ass any day,” she retaliated.

“Tsk, tsk, that’s no way to talk to your master.”

“Well, I could.”

“Prove it.”

Amanda raised her eyebrows. She hadn’t sparred him for awhile. “You sure?”

“Of course I am. You can ‘whip my ass any day,’ right?”

“Well, alright,” she said, starting to walk to her room to get her Force Pike.

“No Force Pikes today, were going with actual lightsabers.”

“Well, alright.”

He took out his father’s lightsaber, now his own. Igniting it, he said, “Well, hurry up already.”

She took out her padawan saber. She activated it, the green bade rising. She was suddenly very aware of how tall and big he was.

As if reading her mind, he said, “Size has nothing to do with it. Lightsabers are all but weightless, so what does it matter if I can lift a building with one arm? I’d move a lightsaber just as fast as you could.”

Amanda sighed. “Well, alright.”

“If you say that one more time, I’m not going to train you anymore. Now, no killing.”

He got into a battle stance. She got into hers. They stared at each other for a few seconds, until Amanda took the initiative. She swiped at his left side, which he easily evaded, and went after her head. She ducked, and swiped at his legs. He jumped upwards, and using the Force to go higher, swiped at her from above. She dodged left, but found his blade right in front of her. She spun, and once again found his blade inches from her face. She jumped backwards, and felt something hit her back. Crap, he stabbed me, she thought wildly. She started falling, and the grass broke her fall. She turned over and said, “Did you stab me or something?”

He laughed. “No, just hot you in the back with the hilt. Apparently, my father did that as well. Kinda ironic, since I’m using his saber. Great job kicking my ass by the way.”

“Anyone can get lucky once or twice.”

“Admit it, I beat you.”

“Is there anything else you want master?”

James looked around, and saw no one. “This,” he said, and kissed her.

She smiled. “Alright, you beat me.”

“Well, that’s it for today. See you tomorrow.” He walked back to his room. He started meditating when his mother came in.

“We have some information on Darth Rexes we think,” she said coming into the room.

He didn’t even ask what it was until they started walking. “We think that he had a part in killing someone, on Tatoonie. We think that a padawan that went missing there is related to him.”


“Well, someone saw him be taken, but, naturally, they didn’t get a good look at him. Though, they said the guy looked tall, and was shiny.”

James laughed. “Shiny? Sure we can trust this informant?”

“It’s the best lead we’ve had.”

“Alright, I’ll check it out. Tell Amanda that I won’t be back for a few days.”

“Shouldn’t she come with you?”

“This may just be a wild bantha chase, so why waste the time of two?”

“You’re right. Though, take HK. He might help out. He was bought there, so he knows the terrain, and the native languages.”

“Alright. See ya.” He walked into the Ebon Hawk, with HK in tow.

“Query: Who are you?”

“Your new master. I’m your old master’s son.”

“Query: Are you a ‘Jedi?’

“Yes, why?”

“Statement: Just handy information.”

“Were going to your old home. Tatoonie.”

“Query: Do we have to meat bag? I loathe that place.”

“One, don’t call me meat bag. Two, yes.”

“Statement: Yes, meat- master.”

James smiled. “There we go. We lift off in ten minutes.”

James walked around, making preparations. A couple of minutes from lift-off, he heard a knock. He opened the ramp, and saw Amanda.

“Your mom told me where you’re going.”

“And she also said that I asked that you not come, right?”

“Yes, that was the part I was confused on…Umm…Why shouldn’t I come?”

“Just don’t want to waste two people’s time.”

“I don’t care. I’m coming.”

“No your not.”

“Yes, I am.”


She smiled. “See what control women have over their men?”

He grunted. “Hurry up, we leave in a few.”

She threw up a mock salute. “Yes, sir!”

James set the ship in hyperdrive, and walked into Amanda’s room. “It’s going to be a four day long trip. Tatooine is on the Outer Rim. I’m going to go to bed. ‘Night.” He walked away.

Amanda furrowed her eyebrows, and followed him. She caught up to him, and grabbed his arm. “What’s the matter? Why are you scrunchy?”

James sighed. “This was something that I wanted to do alone. Listen, I’m glad that you’re here, don’t get me wrong, but Rexes killed my dad. I want a little revenge.” He saw the expression on her face, and continued, “No, no, I’m not gonna kill him murderously. Just want to face him one on one.”

Amanda smiled. “Well, if I remember, your mom and dad faced him. Together.”

James shook his head, and laughed. “Alright, it’s a good thing that you came. I’m gonna hit the hay.”

“Not without a kiss.”

“Fine. But only for you,” he said, jokingly, then kissed her. He sat down on his bed. “We’ll continue our training tomorrow.” He lay down and was asleep within minutes.


After four days of training, they touched down on Tatooine. James walked out into the sunshine. “Oh, goody. Sunshine. And hey, more sunshine.” He looked at a note of paper. “This ‘informant’ of ours apparently owns a shop.” He walked with Amanda and AK until he reached the shop. “Here goes nothing,” he muttered, and stepped in.

“Can me help yous?” the shopkeeper asked.

“Umm, yea. You said that you saw somebody that looked like a droid, but was like a human.”

“Me no know what yours talking about.”

“OK, let me try this some else way.” James cleared his throat. “Shiny guy. Tall. Where yous see him?”

“Oh, oh, I knows what you talking about. Why’s didn’t you say that before?”

James shook his head. “Where did you see him?”

“Near that’s house. Yup. Those houses,” the shopkeeper said, pointing to a house on a hill about a kilometer away.

“Let’s go,” James said, walking out of the shop.

Amanda followed, and once out of the shop, muttered, “Did you feel that? Something seemed…wrong with that shopkeeper.”

“Yes, my padawan, I believe that that was actually Rexes.”

Amanda sputtered her next words. “That-that was Rexes? Why didn’t you do something?”

James laughed. “You still have much to learn my very young padawan. I expect that he wanted us to go into that house and inside a trap will kill us very brutally.”

“So what’s our next move?”

“Ummm…let’s fight him.”

“But, he could be expecting that!”


“So, we might go into a shop where a Sith lord is, waiting to chop us into pieces, right?”

“Pretty much.”

“Bring it on.”

James smiled, and pulled out his lightsaber; Amanda followed suit. They walked inside.

“Cans I help you guyses again? I told you alls that I knows.”

“Wow. Still think that we don’t know?” asked James.

“Damn. I thought that you guys might figure it out. Yes, yes, it’s me Rexes.”

“You know Amanda, I didn’t think that he would give up his disguise that easily.”

“Can we just get on with this?”

Rexes pulled out his lightsaber and ignited it, the crimson blade throwing shadows in the room. Amanda and James ignited their sabers, and jumped into action. Amanda swiped to Rexes’ left, and James went after his knees. Rexes’ jumped high, and came down with a thrust towards Amanda. She rolled away; James went after Rexes heart. He batted away James’ saber, and went after his neck. James ducked just in time, and while Amanda went after Rexes knees, James went after his head. He jumped back just in time, and yelled, “Hold on!!!”

James actually lowered his blade, yet kept it ignited. “What?”

“I’m now convinced. I guess it’s time that you see the real me.”

“What are you babbling on about now?”

Rexes took off his hood, and removed his mask. James gasped. It was his father.



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