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[FIC]The Destruction of the Sith

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  • 2 weeks later...
Rexes took off his hood, and removed his mask. James gasped. It was his father.

*Everyone starts to gawk at the sight and wanted to start to fall...*

Wait a minute!

*Everyone looked at him...*

Didn't you state clearly in the last part that Thomas was dead and burried?

*Everyone grabs a lot of clubs and starts to approach him...*



Uh... *Runs away*


P.S. How the heck did he "pull himself together" after he was cut in half?

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Hmm i have one thing to say you on future and That this is great in general. . And that thing... in future i wouldn't like that much romance thingie as in 1st chapter, jedi should control their passion or whatever pretty much, besides i want to read Star Wars not some mexican soap opera (too rough?), But if it's just first chapter than it is realy ok, and you can keep it, if u wanna make him become dark side and loose her tragicly... Or not..., I realy liked this, tho!

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