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Missing Textures on some levels


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I'm having a problem when running Jedi Academy.


On some levels there are missing textures on some solid surfaces such as walls and floors. On the swoop chase level on Tatooine it is only in the first few seconds of the cut scene, and is still playable, but there are big problems on levels such as Hoth and the tram level.


Did anyone else have this problem. Most levels are OK so far, but it was almost impossible running through Echo base with missing walls!


I'm running Jedi Academy with the 1.01 patch from the lucas website. My graphics card is an nVidia GeForce FX Go 5200 (64MB), on a Samsung X15plus laptop.


Any ideas?

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Here is what it looks like in normal view:




And here's what it looks like through the scope:




As you can see, the textures are all there, I just can't see them in normal play.


I have no mods installed... only the game... and it is still causing trouble :fett2:


((I started using my saber to light up the walls a bit and stop myself from falling off platforms))

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I would go with the re-installation too. First, though, make sure that your graphics card meets the specifications of the game via the system check option, if you haven't already thought of that (better safe than sorry).

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