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The third side of the Force

Master Kan-Maz

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Grey Jedi are just like other Jedi but the way they do things is what brings them into conflict with the Council, I think blunt and unconventional are pretty accurate. Grey Jedi don't believe the ends always justify the means, nor do they "play fast and losse" with the Force. A Grey Jedi is basically a Jedi who defies the Council consistantly and is usually exiled. They're still Jedi, the real difference is that they trust their own judgement more than the Council. I think it's Obi-Wan who says Qui-Gon would be on the Council if he didn't defy them so often.


FYI Mace uses Form VI not IV.

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Ok lets try this.


Jedi see actions as a way to help life.

Gray jedi see actions as a way to help the here and now.

Dark Jedi see actions as a way to increase selfish gain here and now.

Sith see actions as a way to increase control of the galaxy in time.


You can't reall block any group as all defining, just as you can't block all men inour would into 2 or 3 groups...it would be like saying all (race here) are ignorant or whatever. Gray is also the hardest to understand, which is why they are commonly thrown into the other groups. A Gray jedi simply trys to help the galaxy in the here and now to the best of his ability. LS Jedi help but in a way that has the longest beafit.

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I agree with your definitions but I don't think you can make a clear differentation between "Light" and "Grey" or "Dark" and Sith.


For me you follow either the Force or the Dark side. I would say however that the Jedi Order do take the long view, while Grey Jedi see things on a more immidiate level, but ultimately they're both working for the greater good.

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but how is power achieved? by the passion to attain it, and the control to handle it, and the knowledge to let it use you and be used by you, regaurdless of what path you choose: whether dark or light.


if you had a choice to have great power and knowledge of the force, would it determine what path you were on by understanding what it was and how to get it? the Jedi code is moving, because it does bring peace and balance to oneself, not necessarily the entire force. if we can continue to live by some code to understand how the force is, then dont you think that by embracing it for what it is, it becomes part of you, in how you are towards what you want to accomplish for it? especially because part of who we are is how we think, act, feel and move throughout the paths we take?


what is power?



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Emperor Palpetine, was a wicked dude. anakin was decieved by a lie he never accomplished, for a couple reasaons. Mace Windu was a skeptical Jedi, he questioned a lot and aserted his authority on the counsel. this is not a bad thing, but, it effected in someway, how anakin felt rejected from the Jedi, when all he wanted was a greater power and understanding of the force. anakin had a lot of dealings with Mace Windu, and other Jedi Masters. he lost both edges when he totally converted to the dark side, but it was like he found peace in it, because he was the only one to have an obvious control over himself, his power, his knowledge of the force and how to influence it.



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