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A little bit of mystery

Lord Pickle

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One part about KOTOR II that I thought was really cool and that I would like to see in KOTOR III was the whole mystery element to peragus. You wake up to find yourself in a place where you have no idea how you got there all you know is nearly everyone is dead and you need to get off the station and fast. The first time I went through peragus I had this mixed sensation of dread and curiousity. I wanted to know what happen but at the same time I was freaked out about what I would find then bam, there is an HK droid. If really set up the whole being hunted thing nicely, sadly though it wasn't really encorporated in the whole game.


But it would be neat to have more of a kind of mystery element to KOTOR. I always felt the devs were holding our hand through most of KOTOR and KOTOR II. Find the masters on these planets or find the star maps on these planets. There was no real sense of trying to figure out what was going on by peacing the clues together.


A process of gradual discovery as opposed to having everything handed to you would add alot to the whole role playing element. It would also give the game a more open fell since KOTOR and TSL seemed to be fairly linear IMHO.


Sure there are say 20 planets but which should you go to? Some will be related to the plot depending on which clues you find. Say you play the game a second time, maybe you get different clues that lead you to different planets. The other "non-plot" planets could be used as extra places to expore maybe get some cool weapons or party members.


It could also open up the concept of multi-world quests. Like the flase Batu Rem quest in TSL except it would go somewhere. The assassin came from Nar Shadaa but when you get there nothing. I expected to see the real Rem or at least some illusion to the events on Telos.

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Having much of the story take place outside of the republic's "sphere of influence" would help that to a certain extent, I think there would be more mystery if you were to start without a council, or even a Trask character to help you out.


Maybe you wake up in the woods next to a crashed ship, and after walking around and killing some cranky forest critters you start traveling through the woods and meet someone who can sell you a map to several nearby towns.

Not neccessarily a story suggestion, just a vague example of how to not get dragged through an endar spire;)

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