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The time has come. Execute Kotor III.

Revan Skywalker

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Patience, young one. Such unchecked passion leads to the dark side.


Wouldn't you prefer it to be a little tardy, but a really well done game?

...one that lives up to all of our lofty expectations.


Relish in the fact that you live on a planet where money rules our global society. Kotor is a cash cow. They can't afford not to make it.


The only questions are:

Who will make it?

How will it compare?

...and when will it drop?

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Does anyone have acsess to Obsidianent forums? If so, post on their general forums that we are tired of waiting. There is already a thread here that shows a link to and IGN news report! Kotor III is coming, but we have waited long enough! P.S. Sorry if I'm breaking any rules. Don't mean too.

That IGN article is their prediction for 2006. If you read the article, you should note that they are only predicting what they believe will happen. Nothing in the article is based upon facts...


It has only been a year since KotOR II's release. If it is in production, I believe there will be a statement at the end of the year. We have so many threads about this IGN...


If you would like to be involved with the discussion, please feel free to check this thread out:






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We already have a thread about kotor 3 news. If this thread is simply about posting in another forum, then it's quite pointless. The devs at Obsidian or anywhere else won't tell you anything about it...if fact no one who would really know something would tell you anything....business is business...official news about an eventual K3 will come in due time...

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