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New Bastila Ages

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This is co-modded by myself and Kha...




This mod will change Bastila's appearance in various scenes in SW KotOR II: The Sith Lords. She will wear different clothes as appropriate to each scene and her appearance will also be appropriate (such as young, slightly older, Dark Side, etc.)


Profound thanks to Kha for making the new Bastila head model!


Great care has been taken to make sure this mod doesn't conflict with existing Bastila PC mods by creating an entirely new NPC Bastila for the scenes she's in, but I can't be certain that there won't be a conflict.

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About time somebody did something about the "four years later and she's still wearing the same outfit?". It always struck me as odd that Bastila looked exactly the same in Exile's memory of the day s/he joined the Mandalorian War as she did in K1.


Fantastic job on her new hairstyle, Kha!

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