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Wow... Honestly with everything you were claiming, I was sure this was a hoax or something. After trying it out, I am amazed that so much unused material made it into the demo waiting to be uncovered. I mean home one? crazy... I cant wait until we can combine all of the best stuff from all of these "mods"... awings, speeders, heros...crazy...will at least make the next couple weeks a little more bearable.

Anyways, my hat is off to you bro :0)

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Wow... Honestly with everything you were claiming, I was sure this was a hoax or something. After trying it out, I am amazed that so much unused material made it into the demo waiting to be uncovered. I mean home one? crazy... I cant wait until we can combine all of the best stuff from all of these "mods"... awings, speeders, heros...crazy...will at least make the next couple weeks a little more bearable.

Anyways, my hat is off to you bro :0)


Yeah, I have no idea why the devs let all this stuff stay in the demo, no wonder it was a 700MB download...


I think they deribelately left all the textures and models and stuff in the demo.. dunno why though


Where's Delphy when you need him??

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These are fixed in the version released 1.1, if it still isnt fixed look for 1.2 which is basically just adding slots for hoth for more building and a few ion cannons which dont work no mattter what i try to do... they wont fire, anyway. mb some where along these updates, ur bugs r resolved.

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I don't feel like messin with a ton of files if I get the errors everybody else is getting, so I'll try this out once all that stuff is solved/fixed.


I know what you mean. I'd rather not play a supremely buggy mod. Thankfully, Chriz's mod works without a hitch and has a lot of fun stuff so I've been using it. :)

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