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Can you keep kreias hand? And FAQ


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hey i have seen screenshots of kreia holding a double balded lightsaber but she cant cause she got her hand chopped off :twogun: is there anyway to keep it. Also ive seen people who already have lightsabers when they on telos and handmaiden aton etc are jedi is that because of cheats or something else? get back to me please!! :smash::smash::smash:

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For the sake of the storyline, its better for Kreia to have just one hand. If Kreia wanted two hands she could have easily had the medics on Telos give her a cybernetic one but she wanted to have just one hand because weither she had a hand or not wasnt important to her just like the fact that she didnt see like normal people wasnt important to her. Besides shes a consular and is designed to rely more on force powers than brute force anyways so weither she has two hands for a double bladed lightsaber or not is irrelevant. Once you upgrade her enough to see the force lightning and all the other goodies she has under those robes youll soon forget the fact that she doesnt have one of those double bladed sabers.

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Double blades are over rated! Consider this - if you are going to invest in the two weapon fighting feats that you need to weild a double bladed light saber efficiently then weilding two singles is going to be more worthwhile anyway since you will have another full set of power crystals, lens, emitter etc to enhance the second one - an option you don't get with the double bladed one.

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Well even if you think a Jedi should only have one light saber for RP reasons I'm pretty sure that a single LS with some other upgraded sword in the off hand is still likely to be more effective than a double and it also has the additional option of using it alone to avoid any penalties to hit...;)


I do like to use a double as a "specialty" weapon to back up my two singles in the other weapon slot - setting it up specifically for droids or defense for instance...After all there is a ton of crystals lens etc available and with a warehouse of stuff always at your disposal why not make use of all your options...:D


Actually one of my current projests is a consular who uses NO lightsabers or melee weapons at all...:o

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*Mimics Yoda* Oh, an experienced gamer we have, hmm? ;)


Not yet actually....:D


thus far I have only finished with a LS guardian/wm (seemed rather easy) and I have a DS Sentinel/Assasin 3 on Nar Shadaa thats doing pretty well so far (finished Dantooine first).


It just seemed to me that if you take the "normal" Jedi uses lightsaber route that it would be pretty much the same for any class since you would need the same melee feats etc so I was looking for something a little different and wondered if it was even possible to create a non-light saber character that would be able to handle the "important" battles...


I've only had the game since Dec becuase I hated KotOR 1 and in fact bought this one primarily becuase I heard that some of it may look familiar when NWN 2 rolls around (and the general lack of new CRPGs to play)...;)


I have to say I find this much more enjoyable than KotOR1 and it has perhaps reassured me somewhat that NWN2 is in good hands...it might even keep me occupied until NWN2 comes out...:D

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Now that's weird most people like kotor 1 better, as did i, but when i found out all the hidden possibilities of kotor 2 i started to doubt, altho i like 1st game very much, i spent sleepless nights to complete it (mostly cause of my crappy scroundel/consulaar which was based mostly on str >_> But i enjoyed that game especialy the Star Forge, amount of troops and size of the place seemed immposible for me. BUT kotor tsl have MUCH better upgrade system, which is actualy a great plus, cause that makes skills much more usefull, also i loved all the new feats, which gave so great oppurtunities to play different ways- blaster only, no weapons at all etc etc. On other hand i hated peragus. But thats the only realy bad thing i can think of right now.

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Now that's weird most people like kotor 1 better, as did i, but when i found out all the hidden possibilities of kotor 2 i started to doubt, altho i like 1st game very much, i spent sleepless nights to complete it (mostly cause of my crappy scroundel/consulaar which was based mostly on str >_> But i enjoyed that game especialy the Star Forge, amount of troops and size of the place seemed immposible for me. BUT kotor tsl have MUCH better upgrade system, which is actualy a great plus, cause that makes skills much more usefull, also i loved all the new feats, which gave so great oppurtunities to play different ways- blaster only, no weapons at all etc etc. On other hand i hated peragus. But thats the only realy bad thing i can think of right now.


The things I disliked most about KotOR1 were the "twitch games" - turret battles and swoop racing - that were "forced" on you in such a way that you had to complete them to continue the game. It was supposed to be a CRPG not an arcade game - they should have been optional IMO. In KotoR2 only one turret battle is not optional and its not necessary to "beat" the battle with the turret to continue the game.


The other issue I had was I could not win the final battle in spite of the fact that my character had no trouble with combat in the rest of the game as I recall I only had a handful of reloads prior to the final battle. There after too many reloads to count I finally gave it up and never replayed it. I was told early in my game to take some dark side powers becuase I would find a use for them later but I declined to do so becuase I tend to RP these games and when seeking assistance for the final battle that was what kept coming up - you should have taken drain life etc etc which was even more annoying to think that the focus of the final battle could be so narrow that just becuase you took certain feats over others that you were likely not to survive but the biggest complaint about not being able to win the battle was simply that it made no sense to be able to complete the rest of the game without any problems or any indication that there was anything wrong with my character and then not be able to win.

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This actually should be posted on the Republic Newsfeed, but since I'm already here...


I thought it was a nice 'break in the norm' to shoot a few ships down or do battle in the duel ring. I love pazaak, although things always seem to be a bit too pressing to actually stop chasing sith lords to play cards. I still do though.


Swoop racing is challenging and fun. There should be more references though.

If you are going to go through the trouble to spend credits and time to learn the track and beat the champs, the word should spread and your racing reputation and fame should increase.


...that being said, I agree that these should be 'sides' and not mandatory for game procession.


...About Malak.

You don't need dark side force powers to defeat him.

Depending on how your character fights at that point is crucial. Are you more of a force user in battle, do you depend on speed and defense or are you battle tested and saber masterful?


Many underestimate constitution at level up. Is yours high enough?

Do you heal and stim up when he runs off and draws from the jedi?

How effective are your saber strikes? Are any of them improved or master?

Do you use mines or grenades?


There are many factors that come into play. That's the fun of it.

Keep experimenting until you find the right combo for you.

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hey i have seen screenshots of kreia holding a double balded lightsaber but she cant cause she got her hand chopped off :twogun: is there anyway to keep it.

You probably saw those screenshots at http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords/indexdark.html


You'll see it there. Look at the characters in the gameplay section and Kreia is weilding a double-bladed green lightsaber. It's animated, so you may have to wait a little bit to have Kreia turn on her double-bladed lightsaber and swing it around.


Also ive seen people who already have lightsabers when they on telos and handmaiden aton etc are jedi is that because of cheats or something else? get back to me please!! :smash::smash::smash:


The screenshots in the media section in the link provided show people party members along with your PC with lightsabers. It also shows Kreia with two hands at all times.

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