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JR 3K Z !!!!!!!


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Yes, after many years of high-pitched whinning, I finally made 3 Grand. I like to thank my posts and everyone here. (Sorry,my space button isnt working very well so I cant type much.)



Niner please buy everything from the 4 basic food groops : Dough-an-Frosting group, the carbonation-and-carmel group, the chewy-nougat-center-and-chololaty-coating group and the soda-sugarly group.



Ever wanted to run the universe?

Now you can! Residents of the ultra-snazzy SimSimSimSimSim are given their own simulated universe to create, build, and control as they see fit. And when you get right down to it, who's to say that their realities are any more valid then our own? For all we know, the whole of what we laughably label "reality" is defined by a handfull of clever AI routines running the Omniversal equivlient of a pocket calculator, and death is nothing more then some pansalactic being hitting the 'Clear' button.

Makes you think dont it?

Note: Proven through pure fiction.(But dont get your hopes down.)


[This message has been edited by JR2000Z (edited March 11, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Cmdr. Cracken:

you forgot the 5th group.


the "women-and-alcohol-group"




I don't think so. mad.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Sometimes, the banana tree explodes and makes it all seem so surreal. smile.gif What?


Anyway. rolleyes.gif Congratulations, J3RK. biggrin.gif Your two-dimensional posts offer the substance of words, words based on ideas...ideas that may frighten, startle or even cause panic, but ideas which must be valuated entirely on their own basis nonetheless. But who has time for golf in these colorful and perilous times? wink.gif Here, then, is the biscuit:


<center><img src="http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/duckman/bigcheek.gif" height=225 width=265></center>


Has anyone seen my point? I seem to have lost it...



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Guest Jabba The Hunt

no i think that you've just lost your mind. wait a minute, did u have one to start with?



"The warp cores gone the shield generators have been destoryed beyond repair and the phaser arrays are blown we will never be able to repair all this damage without a starbase"


"Dont worry just wait till the next episode and it will all be sorted out"


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Guest Thrawn

They are, but hopefully not ours biggrin.gif


Just what we need, another number to attach to JR1234567890's name! Oh yeah, congrats too smile.gif



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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