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[TSL]equippable+activable base item


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No, unfortunately, looks like it's hardcoded. No one has been able to fire a script when a ranged weapon is used. If it was possible, we would have tons of flamethrower/plasma thrower mods... You can use armbands, stims, droid shields (items that are already activable).

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one of the items i had in mind was a special zabrak-only activable implant with some itemprops and an itemspell, i made a new entry in baseitems.2da cloning Combat_Shots, and set it equippable in the implants slot, it works, but the racial check is ignored, i could do the check in the impactscript i guess, but there'd be no classic pop-up message saying you don't have the requirements, what can i do about that? also do item objects have locals? i could use a boolean to handle the timeout for the item usability. thanks in advance

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To make it for one person only change the uti file to be usable by Bao-Dur only.That is:


Load the uti file, go to properties, choose a line and double click, choose pc restriction and then select Bao-Dur's name so only he can use it.


That should do it. Load your game, spawn the item, check to see who can use it.

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ok, i made the baseitem entry, the spell entry, the item template, the racial check does work in the equipment panel, but when in the impactscript i check whether or not the spellcastitem is equipped and more exactly when i pop-up the error message, everyone paralyze :( just like a timestop spell, what the heck am i doing wrong?


note: the messagebox will pop-up in the inventory panel of course, when you try to activate the item. the message does show but then…


[size=1]void main(){
object oSpeT = GetSpellTargetObject();
object oItem = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_IMPLANT,oSpeT);
effect ePow = EffectLinkEffects(
effect eDur = EffectLinkEffects(
effect eImm = EffectLinkEffects(


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