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This game makes me sick...


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Yes, literally.


When the "speed" powers kick in I get that stupid blurring every time I move.


Its ruining the game for me as I feel nausea whenever it kicks in. Needless to say, its impossible to move around with it on.


Any way of getting rid of this?


Frankly, even if it didn't make me physically sick, it has to be the dumbest inclusion in a game to date...


Any help is appreciated greatly.





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Thanks people!!


I'm glad there is a way of getting rid of the effect, even if it does mean I miss out on some eye candy. I've played for several hours, am loving the game except for this one aspect.


Your prompt replys were a very welcome!! :-)


Thanks again!!





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Lol the title of topic made me wanna kill you, but when i read this i understood. Yea I am having that baf video card, that i cannot put it on, so i don't even know how is it supposed to look. and whoever said do not take the power it is LIE! take it it is propably one of (if not the) strongest light side force (and strongest supportive)

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For some reason, I never experienced the blur effect for Force Speed. I don't know why. Sorry I can't be more help.


Some graphics cards can't handle it.


Wraithcat, there's no need to turn off frame buffer effects. That graphics option really makes the game look better. Instead, you could open up visualeffects.2da with KOTOR tool, and the line for force speed, and just put the file into override. That way, you can still have frame buffer effects, but no speed blur.

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Instead, you could open up visualeffects.2da with KOTOR tool, and the line for force speed, and just put the file into override. That way, you can still have frame buffer effects, but no speed blur.

Hey Emperor D, I get the sense that wraithcat may not know about Kotor Tool and .2da file editing. Would you care to provide more detailed instructions on how this might be accomplished? Even if wraithcat isn't interested in this, I would like to know how to do it if it's that easy.


I saw a thread in Holowan Labs where someone was trying to use scripting to get rid of the force speed blur effect but I'm not familiar with scripting and I don't want to get rid of the force speed blur bad enough to learn. It would be more of a nice to have... *shrugs*

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Hey Emperor D, I get the sense that wraithcat may not know about Kotor Tool and .2da file editing. Would you care to provide more detailed instructions on how this might be accomplished? Even if wraithcat isn't interested in this, I would like to know how to do it if it's that easy.


Okay. Just download KOTOR tool (there's a link to it in Holowan), open it up, and go to BIFs->2da.bif->2D Array->visualeffects.2da. Click VFX_DUR_SPEED, and hit the delete button. Save the file as visualeffects.2da, in program files->lucasarts->SWKotOR 2->Override. If you don't have an override folder, make one, and call it 'Override' (without the quotes).


I saw a thread in Holowan Labs where someone was trying to use scripting to get rid of the force speed blur effect but I'm not familiar with scripting and I don't want to get rid of the force speed blur bad enough to learn. It would be more of a nice to have... *shrugs*


Scripting is often unnecessary for things like that. A simple 2da edit will do the job just fine. :) If you have any more questions, though, you might want to start your own thread in Holowan, since this is getting off topic.

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Just download KOTOR tool (there's a link to it in Holowan), open it up, and go to BIFs->2da.bif->2D Array->visualeffects.2da. Click VFX_DUR_SPEED, and hit the delete button. Save the file as visualeffects.2da, in program files->lucasarts->SWKotOR 2->Override.
Suh-weet! I tried it out and it worked like a champ. However I also deleted the lines for knight speed and master speed in addition to the burst of speed one you mentioned. No need to not have the blur for one and then get it back for the others. That was so easy it's shameful. If you see that thread I was talking about in Holowan you should post this in there so that member doesn't have to waste any more time with the scripting mess. Thanks again! :thumbsup:
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