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Admiral Odin

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Guest Redwing

Make that three pennies, I just found another one.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue 9

*Buys Microsoft*

Mwahahahahaha, I now Control your computers, live in fear of my every whim.



Leader of 3 Flight

IAN_CDT_Rogue9, RA_Rogue9

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Tribble in the cockpit? Oh, no!


*(Rolls down window and tosses tribble out into space.)*


All gone. smile.gif

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

please donate to the - Jabba stomach foundation! Your money will be used to provide a unlimited supply of cola chewy bars for jabba - or u could join milkshake chocolate charity - your money would go to providing him with an unlimited supply of caburys dairy milk chocolate!!!



"The warp cores gone the shield generators have been destoryed beyond repair and the phaser arrays are blown we will never be able to repair all this damage without a starbase"


"Dont worry just wait till the next episode and it will all be sorted out"


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Funny. I'd have thought that foot and mouth disease had put a crimp in the British milk and dairy products industries...

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Foot and mouth? I thought it was hoof and mouth? Foot and mouth sounds kinda kinky! wink.gif I think I've seen a few websites about that,... if you're into that sorta thing. wink.gif Not that there's anything WRONG with that! smile.gif


"Come on Lisa... MONKEYS!"

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Well if they do run out milky is going to go into a servre mental decline - he has to have atleast one bar of dairy milk chocolate a day otherwise he gets into one of his "moods" me on the other hand can only get the money (10p) to buy a chewy bar off milky and he has put me on a diet like im his pet monkey or something and wont give me any money just to buy one so could somebody please send some to my address!!!???



"The warp cores gone the shield generators have been destoryed beyond repair and the phaser arrays are blown we will never be able to repair all this damage without a starbase"


"Dont worry just wait till the next episode and it will all be sorted out"


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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

Funny. I'd have thought that foot and mouth disease had put a crimp in the British milk and dairy products industries...


Foot+Mouth only affects Cattle, sheep+Pigs. Humans can just carry it. If you're not nice you can have some!

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Guest Rogue 9

Thre Disease can be Carried by Humans on there clothing and Bodies, thats why that parade in Ireland was Cancel, because they wanted to stem the flow of british tourisist who might be carrying the disease.

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Guest Rogue 9

Since everyone elses charities were so successful I'll start my Own...It Called "The Society for the Furtherence of Star Wars Fantics" Chaired by me, I will also be the Financil Advisior and Control How all the Money is Spent. rolleyes.gif

See my Orginization is a noble cause the Money isn't for me. biggrin.gif

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Please give to the Starkiller Alliance to kick Palpatine's ass. Last year, the death star destroyed one of our meetings on alderaan. Your money will provide funds to literally kick the emperor's butt.


Oh yeah, Zoomie, got something to say about Brittish people have you? Why would they want to stem the flow of Brit tourists and not other tourists?

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

how about the charity for the stopping of caburys dairy milk chocolate - then we can get rid of milky and take over the world - wha ha ha ha!!!!



"The warp cores gone the shield generators have been destoryed beyond repair and the phaser arrays are blown we will never be able to repair all this damage without a starbase"


"Dont worry just wait till the next episode and it will all be sorted out"


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