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Trekker or Trekkie

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Monkey Balls:


1 lb. fresh ground monkey

1/2 minced onion

1 large clove of garlic, minced

2 eggs

1/8 cup bread crumbs

1/4 tsp. worcestershire

1/8 tsp. tabasco sauce

1 dash salt

2 dashes pepper


Mix all ingredients throughly in a large bowl. Roll into balls of desired size and brown them in a large frying pan. Finish cooking in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until done. Serve with any fondue sauce.



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Guest Jabba The Hunt

What i think u r all forgeting is why people watched the first serise - i have my dad to thank for this knowlegde.


They watched as a laugh it was good entertainment and quite funny at time - i remember the first time me and my dad watched star trek and he shouted at the guy on the transported pad that we had never seen before not to go down to the planet - i asked him y he was shouting at him not to go down to the planet and he told me just to watch - anyway this guy gets killed and i asked my dad how he knew that was going to happen


The orginal serise was funny more than anything and provided escapism from the world. Now Star Trek has gone into the characters a bit more filled out the realationships more, im not saying that it is better or worse its just different, ds9s final serise was a really good one up until season 5 nothing much had really happened but then the story line really started.


Now if the oringal serise could have such repetiavie story lines that we could predict what was going to happen what does it matter about voyager having a few inconsistencies -


"The warp cores gone the shield generators have been destoryed beyond repair and the phaser arrays are blown we will never be able to repair all this damage without a starbase"


"Dont worry just wait till the next episode and it will all be sorted out"



If I Was any more laid back i would be horizontal


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The later series started taking themselves too seriously, stopped being fun. It seemed like they were trying too hard to make a lasting statement or uphold the Trek "Legacy" (whatever that is) and killed the very thing that everybody loved about it.

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Guest Thorpie

Anyone seen first contact? That rocked. Not many battles but great acting especially by Patrick Stewart- I thought that arguement in the ready room was quite stirring.



"The forum's sweatiest guy!"

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

Monkey Balls:


1 lb. fresh ground monkey

1/2 minced onion

1 large clove of garlic, minced

2 eggs

1/8 cup bread crumbs

1/4 tsp. worcestershire

1/8 tsp. tabasco sauce

1 dash salt

2 dashes pepper


Mix all ingredients throughly in a large bowl. Roll into balls of desired size and brown them in a large frying pan. Finish cooking in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until done. Serve with any fondue sauce.




Thank you for clearing that up. wink.gif




At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing



Say bye to your topic.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Hans The Great

I can't stand Lameager, but I have to admit the last couple of episodes have'nt been that bad (except for the abysmal 7 of 9 episode last week - the pain, the pain). I, for one, liked the idea of putting more science into the show. It lead to some interesting episodes. I just hope the next ST show drops two plot devices: Holodeck accidents/adventures (would you really build something like that and give it the remotest possibility of being dangerous?) and "transporter accident" episodes. Enough with those already.


But I still think B5 is better than ST in a lot of ways. Star Wars is fantasy, pure and simple. The science does'nt and should'nt make any sense in the SW universe but the whole thing is more fun than ST.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ST may take themselves more serisouly now but as i said that doesnt mean they are worse just different - i would agree that the SW universe is better (the books interact with each other, most of the story line are connected in some way or other) however there is more ST about (lots of edpisodes) so that kinda balances it!



"The warp cores gone the shield generators have been destoryed beyond repair and the phaser arrays are blown we will never be able to repair all this damage without a starbase"


"Dont worry just wait till the next episode and it will all be sorted out"


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You have a point Jabba. The sheer volume of Trek stories makes quality control far more difficult. Star Wars has been easier to codify since there is less output overall and a smaller number of people involved with it's creation. ST stopped being just Gene Roddenberry's vision as soon as the network signed on. Lucas still has a tight reign on everything released with a SW label on it. Trek is far more collaborative and fan driven, and that's really cool, so the new stories are different, not necessarily bad, but they just don't appeal to me (and many others)anymore.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

brings post back to life!!!


tries to set his own post off course - with a few words - the duke must die for what he has done!!!!

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