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Jedi Robes (KoTOR)


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For your first request, it would help if you told us WHICH robes you want reskinned... :rolleyes:


As for the Revan cape, who knows... there have been so many people who ask that question and 110% of the time its the same answer...


Right now, there is nothing anyone can do about it. HOWEVER, cchargin and crew are working on decompiling certain animations for Kotor, you can find the thread Here.

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Speak the truth you do. :yoda:


And I can do it both ways, I could reskin an existing robe or make a new one all together.


(If you want a new one you need to tell me what you want it to be called, what stats/upgrades/bonuses it should have, and how much it should cost.)

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Oh! Sorry if you thought this is for TSL! It's for K1 (if that makes any difference)




Name: Redemption Robes


Feats Required: Jedi Defense

Defense Bonus: 5

Max Dexterity Bonus: +8

Wisdom: +5

Restricted to Light Side


Price: 1,000 credits (prefferably bought at the trader on Dantooine (just on the right as you exit the Hawk))

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Name: Redemption Robes

Just a "heads up" guys...


svösh already has a highly popular set of robes with the same name (his are for KotOR as well).


It's been out for quite awhile now and "Redemption Robes" and svösh are pretty synonymous with the modding Community ;)




Maybe perhaps a different name to cut down confusion?

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