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Ever almost been shot?

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Yes, I have been shot at. About 2 years ago, I was out with my trusty bolt-action, single shot .22 rifle, 'patroling' the 90-odd acres of forest I own (well, technically, it's my dad's, but I get it when he kicks the bucket) when something wizzed by my head. Instinct made me drop to the ground, and a second round embedded itself into the tree behind me... I just lay there, looking through my scope trying to see the guy. I spotted him, and put a round into a tree a few feet behind him to scare him off. He just started running. Turns out, he was an escaped convict running to the states from Dorchester Penitentiary. The cops caught him later that day, and it was later confirmed the bullets lodged in the tree behind me were from the gun they found on him.


What's scary to me is that throughout the whole thing, I was more exited then scared... But what worries me is that I know would have shot the guy if he'd fired at me again. That's something I don't want to live with.

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Yes, I have been shot at. About 2 years ago, I was out with my trusty bolt-action, single shot .22 rifle, 'patroling' the 90-odd acres of forest I own (well, technically, it's my dad's, but I get it when he kicks the bucket) when something wizzed by my head. Instinct made me drop to the ground, and a second round embedded itself into the tree behind me... I just lay there, looking through my scope trying to see the guy. I spotted him, and put a round into a tree a few feet behind him to scare him off. He just started running. Turns out, he was an escaped convict running to the states from Dorchester Penitentiary. The cops caught him later that day, and it was later confirmed the bullets lodged in the tree behind me were from the gun they found on him.


What's scary to me is that throughout the whole thing, I was more exited then scared... But what worries me is that I know would have shot the guy if he'd fired at me again. That's something I don't want to live with.

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Guest Rogue 9

people are the problem not the guns themselves, though in your position I probably wouldn't like them either. everyone is entitled to there own opinion smile.gif

Originally posted by rosencrantz:

i hate guns. a boy from my school held one to my head when i was in grade eight.



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Guest Rogue 9

people are the problem not the guns themselves, though in your position I probably wouldn't like them either. everyone is entitled to there own opinion smile.gif

Originally posted by rosencrantz:

i hate guns. a boy from my school held one to my head when i was in grade eight.



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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ive killed 19107 people in Perfect Dark - mainly Milkshake


Psycho Tycho how many kills u had and whats your ranking im 8:deadly



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ive killed 19107 people in Perfect Dark - mainly Milkshake


Psycho Tycho how many kills u had and whats your ranking im 8:deadly



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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Guest Rogue 9

why do you always pick on milky smile.gif


Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

ive killed 19107 people in Perfect Dark - mainly Milkshake


Psycho Tycho how many kills u had and whats your ranking im 8:deadly




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Guest Rogue 9

why do you always pick on milky smile.gif


Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

ive killed 19107 people in Perfect Dark - mainly Milkshake


Psycho Tycho how many kills u had and whats your ranking im 8:deadly




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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

im a christain - no dont ask what dinomination i am because im a christain (all people with a IQ above 6 should be able to work that out) anyway when someone asked me why they would want to believe in heaven i thought of this - if i die and im right then i got to heaven - if i die and im wrong i wont really care that much because I will be dead and wont be around to care - i someone that doesnt believe in God dies and they are right same thing they dont really care but if they are wrong they go to hell - and what do you lose out of having a religion i find it helps me a lot - the isnt my whole opinion i really do believe there is a God and this is just and example of how i try and explain it to other people




**and also agree with Nine, no flame wars**



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

im a christain - no dont ask what dinomination i am because im a christain (all people with a IQ above 6 should be able to work that out) anyway when someone asked me why they would want to believe in heaven i thought of this - if i die and im right then i got to heaven - if i die and im wrong i wont really care that much because I will be dead and wont be around to care - i someone that doesnt believe in God dies and they are right same thing they dont really care but if they are wrong they go to hell - and what do you lose out of having a religion i find it helps me a lot - the isnt my whole opinion i really do believe there is a God and this is just and example of how i try and explain it to other people




**and also agree with Nine, no flame wars**



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

yeah i dont want any flame wars either



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

yeah i dont want any flame wars either



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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I have already almost been shot, had a gun pointed at my head and the barrel touching it, close to my ear...


It all happened in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I was just a baby, 13 days old and brought home from the hospital a couple of days ago (9). Well dressed people needed to use the phone and my father who is a very nice and polite man let them in the appartment, they were burglars. That's when they ripped the phone put the gun on my head and demanded everything of value. Meanwhile my sisters were going crazy, my brother sleeping in the bed next to me (and stayed asleep) and I also was napping... My parents of course gave them everything so I didn't get shot...


Can you guys imagine how my parents had to be worried sick?? mus be very disturbing to see your baby in that situation...

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

thats not bad for months worth of playing - how much have u been playing it?



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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