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is anyone going to be doing anything to it, im just going to cancel the pro account **** if no one is ging to use it


That's fine, but if you do, let me know, because I'm going to use it in the future (when I'll have time is always up in the air; but hopefully next month) and I'm willing to pay for it myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update: We have two mysterious new pages, and I think they were added by a bot. They're probably automated from the looks of it.


http://cantinaverse.pbwiki.com/Broken%20Links > Broken Links (there's tons of them, which isn't too surprising.)


http://cantinaverse.pbwiki.com/Most%20Wanted > Most Wanted Pages (listed by how many pages reference them.) So far that's "Postlude to Holocaust Series" (my bad) and "Wise Council" (BD).


I'm going to try and get most of the pages up starting in the next few weeks, hopefully finishing by the next two months. Maybe put up abbreviated stuff for the time being, to be fleshed out later.

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  • 2 years later...


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