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British TV

Guest Rogue 9

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Guest Rogue 9

over here in the U.S. we have a channel called T.L.C. and they run alot of British shows, and I would have to say your cop shows suck and they really don't paint Americans in to good of a light. smile.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

If you want a more accurate picture of the British psyche, you should watch Monty Python's Flying Circus.



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Guest Jabba The Hunt

your talking about british tv american tv really sux espically their robot wars where the "heavy wieghts" weapon is the pick axe our heavy wieghts have huge crushers on them that can put 2 tonnes on an area smaller than my little finger



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

your talking about british tv american tv really sux espically their robot wars where the "heavy wieghts" weapon is the pick axe our heavy wieghts have huge crushers on them that can put 2 tonnes on an area smaller than my little finger


Once again, the British can't speak their own language.

You could not have picked a WORSE possible show to use to claim that American television is "worse" than British with. No matter what country made that show, it would suck. Period.

NO ONE has television that compares to American. NO ONE. Not even Canadian TV. There's only like six shows I consider good that came from outside the US and only TWO came from Britian (Mr Bean and Whose Line is it Anyway?).


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Guest Thorpie

Oh yeah, it's only some of our royal family that are inbred - hence past insanity! smile.gif


Try watching the Bill - that's decent - if they show that in America.


[This message has been edited by Thorpie (edited April 03, 2001).]

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Well we've managed to mess up almost every show we have tried to copy from a UK original. I keep hearing rumors of a Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy movie being made in Hollywood, and the prospect of that just frightens me! I just know they'll manage to kill everything that was great about it.



"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer

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Guest Thorpie

It pains me to tell you, but we beat you to it. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is already a film, made about the late 80's early 90's in the UK!

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And what about Doctor Who? That's Brittish. And I think American stuff's quite good, and a lot of Brittish TV's awful. I hate it at the moment. SW and Star Trek are american.

Food and Drink (used to be fair, with BSE reports and stuff) has now become a sitcom.




(Anthony Worral Tompson begins to walk to kitchen)


Anthony: And today we'll be making Steak+Kidney pie! (Blathers on as camera goes to Oz Clarke)


Oz: I'll get him with the cork from my Chateau La blanc 2000 £5, exclusive to sainsburys, tastes and smells great!


Fires cork at Antony. Anthony dies.



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Originally posted by Thorpie:

It pains me to tell you, but we beat you to it. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is already a film, made about the late 80's early 90's in the UK!


Really? Was it any good? Who was in it? I have a copy of the BBC H2G2 mini-series that came out in the early 80s. It's pretty cheesy in spots, but still pretty fun. I would love to see a big budget version of the story, if they could pull it off. I kinda feel the same dread over Lord of the Rings btw. I hope they do it justice.





"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer

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British TV used to be good, up until about 3 years ago. Then all programmes became one of 3 things:


[*]DIY Shows





As for the Hitch Hiker's mini-series, the first half is good. Then it turns into the worst thing you've ever seen. The best thing about it was probably Peter Jones' narration.<font size="-2" color="#414141">


[This message has been edited by Admiral Zaarin (edited April 03, 2001).]

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Yes, British cop shows are for whusses. American cop shows show car crashes and explosions and such but Britsh cops shows just show people JAYWALKING or something whussy like that.


Nute, don't EVEN be dissing Battlebots.


#of times I said "shows" or "show": 4



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic


[This message has been edited by Taarkin (edited April 04, 2001).]

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ok ive got a lot to say - firstly you should know what a big fun i am of the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy and I know every single version writen of it and who was involed in production - Douglas Adams firstly produced the radio version and then did more epidodes and some books, then it was made into a TV show by the BBC it has never i repeat never been made into a film before all they did was string the TV show together - also the new film coming out is being made with Douglas Adams so he will keep a close check on how many mistakes the americans are making


Red Dwarf - im also a very big fan of this - yes the americans did try to make this in their country but the creators from our country still wrote the scripts and directed the shows - it just had a different cast and TV company - the reason why it wasnt successful is that most of the americans didnt find it funny!!!


i think thats everything i had to say ill get back to you if there is anything more



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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I would watch the Society of Robot Combat's annual war back when very few people knew of combat robotics and I must say Battlebots is a mere parody of the work of actual combat robotics engineers (one of whom i'm related to. he works for NASA and Carnegie-Mellon). In short, i was not impressed. I will be when i actually get off my ass and build my robot though.

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Well I'm sorry but compared to the British Robot Wars, BattleBots does Suck. Battle bots shows three fights over 20 minutes over here because the BBC doesn't show Adverts, Robot Wars get a full 5 fights over 45 mins. PLUS like Nute said, Battlebots looks very much like a parody, Robot Wars is not, it is a show for the true Fan of Robot Killing.


Goto http://www.robotwars.co.uk/ if you have realplayer you can check out a few of the fights.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Robot Wars!Robot Wars!Robot Wars!



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Rogue 9

Battle Bots is Run on Comedy Central of course its a parody of sorts biggrin.gif, TLC coming out with a new robot wars show and they tend to rip british shows off so we'll see wink.gif

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