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how can i change the HUD size?


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Just wondering if there is anyway that i can make the in-game HUD smaller?.

It really bugs me when the target options block out the the target.(i like to see what im killing). Sorry if this is answered elsewhere or if this is in the wrong place.



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Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you talking about K2 (TSL) HUD? If so, it seems to be a rather irritating factor as no one has been able to figure out how to change it's size...(at least not that I know of)...


Even if you change your resolution.. the TSL HUD "magically" seems to get larger as well :fist:


Not sure if it's hardcoded or just hidden really well.. but so far I've not found a way to change it yet either :(

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Im running at 1280*960 (any higher and i gotta turn things off, so it doesnt stutter to much) but yeah, thats the stuff im talking about, target action choice, the inventory icons (left lower screen) and pics of party. I already turned off the minimap and quick buttons (top right).


thanks anyway L0rdReV@n88.


Oki doki, thanks ChAiNz.2da, yeah sorry its for TSL, guess ill just keep swearing at the screen.

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ll try that, thanks Darth InSidious.


erm... any idea where to look for the icon file? ive had kt for a hole of 1 day and am still working it out.

Im guessing its under GUI elements, but all that stuff is jibberish to me :( , but thats never stoped me b4 >:)



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