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my ban has been lifted

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

yeah i managed to pursade my dad to lift the ban on how long we could go on the computer by doing this


"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"

"Can we go on the computer please"


times 200000000000000000000000000000000


anyway you will now see a lot more of me as i have more time to come on here!!! yes!!!



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Redwing

Yay for you...


Who is "we"?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

When you do that, Jabba, you bump other people's topics off the bottom of the page. Since hardly no one checks topics that have 'dropped off,' each new topic effectively kills an old one.


Can you talk my boss into giving me a raise? biggrin.gif

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

milky stop saying that please


anyway whats wrong with posting a lot this place got really boring with out me coming here



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Jabba, I seem to remember you announcing the starting of your own Star Wars forum page a couple of weeks back. What's up with that? If you really feel the need to start a bunch of new topics every day, ones that DON'T meet your definition of "boring", why couldn't you do it there instead? Nobody can argue with you on your own forum, can they? wink.gif

Nobody starts a new thread with intention of being boring anyway. You throw out an idea that's interesting or meaningful to you and see how the others feel about it. Don't just start new threads for the sake of having something (anything!) new on the board.

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Guest Redwing

Ummm...why does everyone flame Jabba? confused.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest DragonT

I guess every group has to have one 'outcast' to bash. Its an honorable position. It allows people to vent their frustration and anger in one place and not let it spread elsewhere. Just requires a tough skin and a good sense of humor.

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Originally posted by Redwing:

Ummm...why does everyone flame Jabba? confused.gif


Because he's a moron.


Seriously dude, listen: right now there are two topics I started that are on page 1 of this part of the forum. One (playlist) was started a while back. The other (hooray) was yesterday. Both of those threads had a interest to people other than me (that's a very important thing). No one wants to hear about the Moby CD i bought yesterday, the book i got (Although I almost did. it's an AWESOME BOOK), or the gum I bought (i bought a lot it seems). I know that NO ONE CARES, so that's why I don't start eleventy billion threads. Because NO ONE CARES.


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