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Kotor storyline (your ideas welcome)


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I don't know if anyone will like my idea but it just came to my head, so i was wonderin maybe you could start of on a republic crusier, and the people on board think your dead. Then one day you wake up with a serious case of memory loss as you can't remember anything except your name. So you get up and find everyone is dead on board. Then you find out that a sith lord has been onto the ship searching for some person, you. It carries on like that then you find the ship is severly damaged (it could go bang at any minute)and is drifting into unknown territory. You meet a women who was knocked unconcais and try to find an escape pod. After you do (first you have to fight your way through sith assasins, i know, i know its starting to sound like kotor 2) you blast off into an unknown planet inhabited by all different types of creatures, including humans. You then have to find out what happend to you and why the sith lord was looking for you. So you meet a man who has connections to the force and he says that you were a war hero jedi who posed a great threat to the sith. The man then trains you and you become a jedi once again. I thought then that you could do something like find a ship and get off the unknown planet and search for clues about what happened to you but i don't know so you people can say what you like and maybe give me some ideas. Thanks.

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Well, that does sound a lot like a mixture of the KoTOR 1 and TSL's beginnings. KoTOR 3 should be a little more original.


P.S. Check out my storyline idea at ''What would be the beginning of your version of the KOTOR 3 story?'' thread and tell me what you think.

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Welcome kotor freak.


Well, it starts off a little too much like TSL to me.


It also sounds like a lightside story. What would be the case if I wanted to have a darkside alignment?


Who's the sith lord? Where'd he come from?

Who's the girl companion? What if I play as a female?


Who's the man with force connections?

Is he a jedi master? If not, how can he train me?


Lots of holes to fill, but not impossible.

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Giving the beginning I have to agree with igyman that you seem to have a mixture of KOTOR and TSL for a beginning. If you could clarify a little more about the sith lord and the companion and the man with force connections then I could give an accurate reflection of my thoughts on this matter. So far it sounds like a probable theory so give some info on your thoughts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In my opinion it should start somethin like this.Revan and Bastila have left the jedi order because they were byfriend and girlfriend.They still have there sabers though.They live on/serve on Carths ship(Telos 2).Meanwhile...on planet Manaan The exile and Atton are stationed there for Kolto duty.Meanwhile on a deadly sith cruiser,a new sith lord named Darth Zaith is plottting to eliminate the jedis and the republic.So he sets up a plot.While Revan and Bastila are on planet Tatooine Zaith comes and knocks out bastila + kidnaps her.leaving only a note.Revan angrilly is pissed off and turns to the dark side.you choose which path you will take.if you take the path of Revan,you will have to build your own elite squad of bountyhunters.Later you will choose whether to turn to the darkside or not.and that will determine i you recrute jedi or sith.you will have to take on the exile.will you use this squad to help the republic,or use it to destroy it and rescue bastila.i you choose the exileyou have to take some of the old kotor characters with you and track down Revan to save him from turning to the darkside.or you might have to kill him if its to late.the choice will be yours.

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Nah that sounds a bit well strange not really the kotor theme it should start like a new character who is a jedi but was thought dead at Malacor 5 returns and relearns the way of the jedi from the jedi masters(they have come back and are still around) but then the republic colapses(dun dun dun!) so there are 2 forces fighting for controle of the galaxy Revan(light side) and the exile(dark side) so u gte to choose who u server.

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