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Most annoying thing ever [possible spoilers ahead]


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Okay, so recently I decided I would play my KoTOR game through as LS (I tend to go DS). Anyway I get to the final battle with Malak, when I realised that you can use destroy droid to blow up those tanks containing the Jedi. I was furious with myself :smash:.


I'd completed the game quite a few times and always dreaded that final fight becuase it would take me ages. It took me around 5 minutes to defeat him :king1:.


Anyone else ever missed this?

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  Vibro said:
Okay, so recently I decided I would play my KoTOR game through as LS (I tend to go DS). Anyway I get to the final battle with Malak, when I realised that you can use destroy droid to blow up those tanks containing the Jedi. I was furious with myself :smash:.


I'd completed the game quite a few times and always dreaded that final fight becuase it would take me ages. It took me around 5 minutes to defeat him :king1:.


Anyone else ever missed this?


Yes and no. No, because I knew about the tanks from the get go since it obvious that if he could use it then it was possible for you to destroy. HOWEVER, yes I missed something obvious - if you use something like force lightning to destroy the tanks then the bodys will crumple and be charred but if you used something like disable droid or throw your saber at the tanks the body crumple but are "healed" so their souls return to the force. Didn't realize that until I played the games a few times.

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  Vibro said:
Okay, so recently I decided I would play my KoTOR game through as LS (I tend to go DS). Anyway I get to the final battle with Malak, when I realised that you can use destroy droid to blow up those tanks containing the Jedi. I was furious with myself :smash:.


I'd completed the game quite a few times and always dreaded that final fight becuase it would take me ages. It took me around 5 minutes to defeat him :king1:.


Anyone else ever missed this?

What really works well is using Drain Life or Death Field Force Powers. It heals your life and fills up your Force bar. I notice that you could destroy those Jedi the first time through playing the game because when highlighted, they were red and the sign "Enemy Sighted" popped up. I just figured out that if I destroy those, Malak couldn't feed off of them.

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I wonder why you rely on destroy droid... i think i never did a playthrough without choke and lightning. Or do you guys actually only take "light" force powers when playing LS and vica versa?


What i did apparently miss, is that you can heal the souls, i never used anything except lightning/drain life on them.



sry for doublepost, i accidently clicked twice on the button

^^^ not a prob. Next time, just click the "edit this" link on the lower right.. you can delete a post with it :) ~ ChAiNz.2da

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  PoiuyWired said:
... which does mostly notjing in the game, saber throw... you only need it at level1 and it looks cool.


Advanced throw lightsaber works well on the Jedi, but after I figured out destroy droid I always used that. Also works on Malak if you get far enough away. It automatically does some damage.

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