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Increasing the space battle cap?


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Hey guys, I am enjoying the game but I would like the space battles more if the cap was larger than 20. I was hoping that the game would have had the option of 20-30-40 space battle cap or something to that effect, so we could choose. Is there any way to increase the cap, or is any mod going to increase it? Thanks

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For space battles just open the factions.xml

and search for




for both factions


change the number to whatever you want.


Well I've only managed to find the ground battle unit cap for skirmish.

For those who are interested in this:


in the factions.xml search for




below that you will see







change the second number of the rows to change the cap

for example






I would post the full .xml entry but the forum says it's to much text.

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The ground battle cap is in GAMECONSTANTS.XML


The relevant section:


<Max_Ground_Forces_On_Planet> 10 </Max_Ground_Forces_On_Planet>


Change 10 to whatever number you like. As mentioned, the space battle cap must be adjusted for each faction individually in FACTION.XML


To get at them you need one of the unofficial tools to extract Config.meg, and then you can go have yourself some wicked modding fun.

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