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how to turn the handmaiden to the dark side

darth traya_321

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First off this is in the wrong Forum. This should be in the Padawan's Lounge.


Second, to not lose trust with the Handmaiden, you need to have more influence with her than Visas. Otherwise she will never talk to you for the rest of the game. Check out Achille's Influence Guide for more help on how to get Influence with the Handmaiden.

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Here is everything you could want to know about her (this is taken from Æon's Advanced Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords FAQ v3.2 - 137 Q&As, for PC version of KotOR II - 12/5/2005):




*What is up with Handmaiden?


Handmaiden is a Soldier and can be turned into a Jedi Guardian.


You can *only* add Handmaiden to your party when you are playing a *male* PC.


To the Echani the forms in hand-to-hand combat are everything, so that sparring with Handmaiden on board the Ebon Hawk is important to unlock her backstory and turn her into a Jedi.


If your Influence with Visas Marr is higher than with Handmaiden, you will see the latter become jealous. (GreenTwilek)




*How to Influence Handmaiden?


The Echani live for combat.


Handmaiden (much like Disciple) likes LS acts, and you are likely to lose Influence with her when you do something DS.


You can turn her to the Dark Side if your PC is strongly DS and already has Influence over her, but even then she will protest when she *sees* you committing any crimes.


Some of the dialogs with Handmaiden will actually *only* work with *low* Influence. In other words later in the game with high Influence these fail:


To 'get' the Handmaiden's Robe, ask her "Do you think you could put some clothes on?". With a low Influence, she will don the 'bulkier' gray robes inherited from her mother.


Tip: To avoid gaining Influence via sparring (where she would automatically disrobe), simply open the Equip screen, select the Handmaiden (Tab-key) and replace Clothing with None, then ask the above.


Bug: After Handmaiden has donned her mother's robe, do *not* directly spar with here! Because before the sparring she will disrobe, and suddenly Handmaiden's Robe is *gone* from the inventory. To avoid this, manually disrobe her via the Equip screen *before* you start sparring.


Another interesting dialog can be triggered with "I wanted to ask you about Atris.". Any [influence Failure] results from too *high* Influence with Handmaiden, so remember to ask the question early on.




On Onderon, Cantina give the "Spy" for the Republic Senate an Open Visa to gain Influence with Handmaiden (or Disciple or Bao-Dur). (Ace Savoron)




*How to turn Handmaiden into a Jedi?


Differing from turning Mira into a Jedi via dialogs alone, with Handmaiden the player's Level limits how quickly Handmaiden can be turned into a Jedi. Influencing Handmaiden on the other hand is quite simple though.


The first time you talk to Handmaiden (you have none, or almost no Influence on her), disrobe her from the Equip screen and then ask her to put on some clothes. She will don her mother's Jedi robes. Do this to ensure she gets the nice robes! (LS points)


Once you have reached Level 10, ask her to spar with you (manually un-equip her robes first or they will be lost!). Winning yields LS points and Influence.


At Level 14, ask her to spar with you again, for more Influence.


At Level 18, ask her to spar for the 3rd and last time, for Influence. She will teach you Battle Precognition - on how to add your Wisdom Bonus (WIS; any wisdom upgrades you can equip are such wisdom bonuses) to your Defense.


Offer to teach Handmaiden, this will fail, but gain LS points.


Talking to Kreia will reveal that she knew Handmaiden's mother was a Jedi.


Finally talk to Handmaiden, and tell her about her Jedi mother, follow the dialog, and turn Handmaiden into a Jedi Guardian.

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And now excerpts from Achilles Influence Guide:


Ebon Hawk - Escape From Telos


Handmaiden - Influence Increase - Interestingly, your objective during your very first influential meeting with Handmaiden is to avoid influence-related options altogether. Unfortunately, this isn't possible, but you can minimize the damage. During the cutscene select "Do you think we need help?" followed by "When you put it like that, then welcome aboard.". While this isn't exactly Dark Side, it is important to note that the Dark Side options would have cost you influence that would be impossible to regain without gaining Light Side points. For the final part of this conversation, select either "Look, forget Atton. Take the regular quarters, we have enough room." or "Don't let them bother you - we've just been through a lot." (Handmaiden: 58).


After the cutscene, the gloves come off so go speak to Handmaiden and initiate the first of three duels with her. If you win, you will gain influence with her (Handmaiden: 66).


With that accomplished go back and select "I wanted to ask you about Atris.". Stick with first option until you get to the part where she states "I see. I have asked you many questions - I did not mean to. They are questions that have gathered over years, and I did not wish to ask Atris.". Reply with "Only fools fear questions - and their answers." (Handmaiden: 74).


NOTE: It is important that you ask her about Atris before getting to 69% influence or higher. Apparently, once Handmaiden starts taking a liking to you, the subject of Atris makes her moody.


Speak to her one more time and ask her "Why do you look different than your sisters?". You will have sufficient influcence to unlock convince her to share her family history. The objective here is to make it to the end of the conversation where she swears alligience to you. If you make it there, you will gain another dose of influence (Handmaiden: 82).


NOTE: After you've finished speaking to Handmaiden, seek out Kreia. She seems upset that others are joining you. Stick with Dark Side options and end this conversation as soon as it runs it course. Now talk to her again and she will begin to question the amount of time that you are spending with Handmaiden. Stick to Neutral/Dark Side options here and finish the conversation. She will mention Handmaiden's Jedi heritage, unlocking a vital dialog option that will allow you to gain influence with Handmaiden later in the game. You can go speak to Handmaiden again, however you will not have sufficient influence with her to complete that portion of the dialog.



Nar Shaddaa


Handmaiden - Influence Decrease - After the scene in the medbay, Handmaiden will state "She is a threat to us.". Reply with "She is useful, and I do not mean to kill her yet." (Handmaiden: 74).


Ebon Hawk


Handmaiden - Influence Increase - If you are at Level 14 or above (and you probably should be at this point), you can initiate the second sparring match for more influence (Handmaiden: 82). After this match, she will stop you to question why it is that you choose to go back and face the Jedi Counsel at your trial. Any response that you provide will gain you influence (Handmaiden: 90).


NOTE: You now have sufficient influence to train Handmaiden, however just as you had to trigger the conversation with the Twi'leks before you train Atton, you must complete the last sparring match with Handmaiden before she can become a Dark Jedi Guardian.

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Actually you can turn the Handmaiden to the Dark Side and gain influence. Just train with her on the Ebon Hawk and answer her questions and you will gain influence with her and her alignment will change to yours. And this is also how you convince her to become a Jedi, or in this case, a Dark Jedi Guardian. But make sure you don't do evil deeds infront of her, or she'll get mad.

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Actually you can turn the Handmaiden to the Dark Side and gain influence. Just train with her on the Ebon Hawk and answer her questions and you will gain influence with her and her alignment will change to yours. And this is also how you convince her to become a Jedi, or in this case, a Dark Jedi Guardian. But make sure you don't do evil deeds infront of her, or she'll get mad.

Unfortunately, it isn't quite that simple. The sparring matches will only gain you 24 point of influence. Considering that Handmaiden starts out with 50, that will get you to 74, which is 16 points shy of the 90 that you need to be able to train her.


Of course, this doesn't account for the opportunities that present themselves right after she joins your party and again after Visas' attack. With these, you'll get to 90, but then again, you do have to give LS responses (thereby risking LS points). I suppose it might be unfair to assume that the average player would know to do this instinctively. In fact, I would venture to guess that someone playing DS would automatically go with DS responses which would actually cost the player influence (making it harder to train her as a DS Jedi).


So as much as it pains me to do it, I have to disagree. Bringing Handmaiden to the DS isn't that simple. You have to know exactly what to say and when to say it, and the choices and the timing aren't that obvious. If you have alternative detailed walkthrough or guide that you would like to offer, I'm sure that it would have considerable benefit for the community.

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Unfortunately, it isn't quite that simple. The sparring matches will only gain you 24 point of influence. Considering that Handmaiden starts out with 50, that will get you to 74, which is 16 points shy of the 90 that you need to be able to train her.

And I'm going to have to disagree with you since I've beaten TSL like 30 times. I do know that the Handmaiden doesn't even have to leave the Ebon Hawk, and you can train her to be a Jedi Guardian or a Dark Jedi Guardian and I know this because I have done it several times that I can do it in my sleep.


Of course, this doesn't account for the opportunities that present themselves right after she joins your party

If you are nice to the Handmaiden, there is no alignment shift and the beauty of it is no Light Side points are granted.


and again after Visas' attack. With these, you'll get to 90, but then again, you do have to give LS responses (thereby risking LS points).

The only time you risk Light Side points is when you talk to the Handmaiden about Visas. If you say you won't harm her, you don't lose or gain influence with the Handmaiden, but get influence with Visas. It's the only time you take the Light Side points, but other responses duirng the confrontation, before the Handmaiden confronts you can get you a net shift of Dark Side points when it's all over. So in the long run, you get a Dark Side shift.



So as much as it pains me to do it, I have to disagree. Bringing Handmaiden to the DS isn't that simple. You have to know exactly what to say and when to say it, and the choices and the timing aren't that obvious.

That's why you play the game. And that's to learn. All the stuff I learned I got from playing the X-Box version before the PC version even came out.


When you play both sides of the Force, people should be taking notes on what works and what doesn't and what different responses do and if there is influence gain/loss and does it result in a light/dark shift.

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it's very easy to train her but when i train her and im in the dark side i tell her to turn to the dark side. she does but her robe isn't black and her aligment is still to the light side.
Handmaiden's robe does not change color to match her alignment (unlike her clothing). If you can train her after you've gained enough or lost enough influence with her. The dialog checks for your alignment, not her's hence why it reads "Dark Jedi Guardian". It sounds as though you've lost enough influence with her to train her, but keep in mind that the if you lose influence, the NPCs will go opposite your alignment. Therefore you'll be DS, but she'll be LS. The only way to make her DS is gain influence with her and unfortunately, that's a little tricky when you're DS.



And I'm going to have to disagree with you since I've beaten TSL like 30 times. I do know that the Handmaiden doesn't even have to leave the Ebon Hawk, and you can train her to be a Jedi Guardian or a Dark Jedi Guardian and I know this because I have done it several times that I can do it in my sleep.
Wonderful. Then you should have absolutely no problem giving the specific progression for how you've accomplished this. In the mean time, I'm sticking with the 3 months that I spent digging around through dialog files, game scripts, and testing playthoughs. By the way, my evidence (which is well documented) does not support your claim. Feel free to drop the matter at any time :D



If you are nice to the Handmaiden, there is no alignment shift and the beauty of it is no Light Side points are granted.
Very true in some cases. This doesn't escape the fact that you have to choose LS dialog options while playing DS. I never said it wasn't possible. I did say it's inconsistent and that someone playing through without the benefit of a guide probably wouldn't do that.



The only time you risk Light Side points is when you talk to the Handmaiden about Visas. If you say you won't harm her, you don't lose or gain influence with the Handmaiden, but get influence with Visas. It's the only time you take the Light Side points, but other responses duirng the confrontation, before the Handmaiden confronts you can get you a net shift of Dark Side points when it's all over. So in the long run, you get a Dark Side shift.
Only if you know what you're doing (again via the benefit of a guide or personal experience from multiple playthroughs). There are two INF related dialog options for Handmaiden during that whole thing; both are decreases. One will has no shift, the other has DS shift.



That's why you play the game. And that's to learn. All the stuff I learned I got from playing the X-Box version before the PC version even came out.


When you play both sides of the Force, people should be taking notes on what works and what doesn't and what different responses do and if there is influence gain/loss and does it result in a light/dark shift.
Sure, but walkthroughs save others that trouble. But that's off topic :D
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Wonderful. Then you should have absolutely no problem giving the specific progression for how you've accomplished this. In the mean time, I'm sticking with the 3 months that I spent digging around through dialog files, game scripts, and testing playthoughs. By the way, my evidence (which is well documented) does not support your claim. Feel free to drop the matter at any time :D

Then I STRONGLY suggest you do more research because you you totally overlooked several things that you could have figured out within a hour or less.


Unfortunately, it isn't quite that simple. The sparring matches will only gain you 24 point of influence. Considering that Handmaiden starts out with 50, that will get you to 74, which is 16 points shy of the 90 that you need to be able to train her.

I think it's time I get more specific about this. Your research obviously overlooked this.


The Handmaiden does start off with 50, correct. Your first influence chance happens when she reveals herself on the Ebon Hawk. You tell her you welcome her aboard and that you can forget Atton and she thanks you. It never shows it, but you get 8 points influence. There, now you have her at 58 and the beauty of this is no Light Side shift.


When you ask her to train with you and after the first fight, you get 16 points influence and then your influence is now at 74.


You need to be at level 14 to do the next fight. Then when you do that next one, you get 8 points to influence, which puts you at 82.


Then you need to be at level 18 for the final fight. After you complete that fight, you get 16 points influence, which puts you at 98.


And notice that I didn't even put in about asking the Handmaiden about her mother and that gets you 8 points influence, which leads her to become a Jedi after you find out that information and talking to Kreia about it.


Now I thinks it's time for you to drop the matter, and I didn't start this. You started this by telling me that you don't agree with me. I challenge you to check this out first before you decide to reply because you will see that I am right and that you can make the Handmaiden a Dark Jedi Guardian without the benefit of having her leave the Ebon Hawk. And I've know this since December of '04.



Very true in some cases. This doesn't escape the fact that you have to choose LS dialog options while playing DS. I never said it wasn't possible. I did say it's inconsistent and that someone playing through without the benefit of a guide probably wouldn't do that.

Okay, fine. I'll tell you what would happen if you do it by being Dark Side to the Handmaiden at first and losing influence with her.


So you tell her off and now your are at 42 with her. Then you train with her and get 16 points, which puts you at 58. You train with her again, and get another 8 points, and that puts you at 66. Then you ask about her mother, which gives you another 8 points, and you are at 74. Talk to Kreia and learn about Kae, and then train with her again for the last time and get 16 points, which puts you at 90 points influence with her and you can train her as a Dark Jedi Guardian and never once does the Handmaiden have to leave the Ebon Hawk until she is a Jedi.



Only if you know what you're doing (again via the benefit of a guide or personal experience from multiple playthroughs).

Again, isn't that why we are here? To answer questions so people will know? Isn't this what this thread is about? Aren't we helping Darth Traya 321? :confused:


The only way to make her DS is gain influence with her and unfortunately, that's a little tricky when you're DS.

It's not tricky. I've shown that with this post. I think the reason why you say that is to discourage people to try it, and go to your influence thread and do it your way. You seem with past posts with me in our debates that my way is always too complicated and that your way is the better way. So quit trying to play that off anymore, please?


The fact anybody is here asking questions is showing us that they need help, and the ways I show them are real ways that aren't complicated. The Handmaiden turning to the Dark Side is an example to how simple this is.

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Again, isn't that why we are here? To answer questions so people will know? Isn't this what this thread is about? Aren't we helping Darth Traya 321? :confused:
Yes it is. Interestingly, it took you 3 posts to get to the point where you actually offered some assistance. I realize that you probably think your first post was helpful, but anyone not inside your head probably doesn't have any idea what you were trying to communicate, therefore it actually wasn't very helpful at all.


I will respond to the rest of your post via PM, except to point out here that you are mistakenly under the impression that you get 2 INF shifts during your first duel with Handmaiden, when in fact you only get one. Just thought I would clear that up to avoid having any more erroneous information confusing the matter for other readers. Not sure how that will impact the rest of your "guide" but it's clear that it will need some adjustment.

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except to point out here that you are mistakenly under the impression that you get 2 INF shifts during your first duel with Handmaiden, when in fact you only get one. Just thought I would clear that up to avoid having any more erroneous information confusing the matter for other readers. Not sure how that will impact the rest of your "guide" but it's clear that it will need some adjustment.

What's wrong with it? You train with her, she asks about Force, you train with her again, ask about her mother, talk to Kreia about Kae (her mother), train with her again, she asks about your trial, and that opens the door to train her as a Jedi. If you are dark, she'll be dark with you.


Now, I assume that people do know that if you want her a Dark Jedi, you need her to have your alignment, and that means, don't say things to make her mad. And you can do this without the Handmaiden leaving the Ebon Hawk and no Light Side shifts. Try it, and you'll see that I'm right about this.

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What's wrong with it? You train with her
she asks about Force
Still 58. You do not get an INF shift for this dialog.

you train with her again

ask about her mother
Still 66. There is no INF shift for this dialog.

talk to Kreia about Kae (her mother), train with her again

she asks about your trial

and that opens the door to train her as a Jedi.
Not quite. You need to be at or above 90 first.

If you are dark, she'll be dark with you.
Yep, absolutely correct.


If you feel that any of my point are incorrect please feel free to post the supporting dialog entries and I'll update both the walkthrough and the guide (with your permission). Of course you would get full credit in the readme.



Now, I assume that people do know that if you want her a Dark Jedi, you need her to have your alignment, and that means, don't say things to make her mad. And you can do this without the Handmaiden leaving the Ebon Hawk and no Light Side shifts. Try it, and you'll see that I'm right about this.
I never said that you couldn't (in fact, she never leaves the Hawk in my DS walkthrough ;)). What I did say is that your progression appears to be incomplete and that anyone attempting to follow it would not be able to reproduce your results. My apologies if I did not make that clear before.
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she asks about Force

Still 58. You do not get an INF shift for this dialog. 66 Still 66. There is no INF shift for this dialog.

I always have 74 after this point. Again, I challenge you to try it, and others to verify. Would someone who has the tools to check this out, please do so it will show Achilles I'm right and that others will know this too.


you train with her again


At this point, you are 82. Again, I issue the challenge.



82 Not quite. You need to be at or above 90 first.

Yep, absolutely correct.

At this point, you should be at 100.


If you feel that any of my point are incorrect please feel free to post the supporting dialog entries and I'll update both the walkthrough and the guide (with your permission). Of course you would get full credit in the readme.

I will show you this. But not right now since I have to run out the door in five minutes. I'll work on this more tonight, but I will be in and out since I do have a basketball game to play tonight.



I never said that you couldn't (in fact, she never leaves the Hawk in my DS walkthrough ;)). What I did say is that your progression appears to be incomplete and that anyone attempting to follow it would not be able to reproduce your results. My apologies if I did not make that clear before.

I also ask someone else to try this who has the tools to check influence updates while in the progress of training her. They will see that I'm right.

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I always have 74 after this point.
I suspect that you're including INF shifts from her initial dialog while joining the party, which would put you at 74 (or even higher). Since you didn't include them, I didn't consider them. Perhaps you need better notes?


Again, I challenge you to try it
I don't need to. I already know that it won't work :D. Open up the dialog and look for yourself; none of the options in those dialogs fire a_influence_inc or a_influence_dec. That means no shift. Can't change the facts, my friend.


Would someone who has the tools to check this out, please do so it will show Achilles I'm right and that others will know this too.
I'll be the first to volunteer. I've looked at the dialogs and scripts. Nothing there, boss. If you took a few moments to do the same, you would see for yourself. Your attempt to pawn this off on others is bemusing, though. I wonder why you're so hesitant to the heavy lifting yourself.


At this point, you are 82. Again, I issue the challenge.
Possibly, but not by following the progression that you've provided. My response to your challenge is the Influence Walkthrough posted in this forum which is supported by the Influence Guide available on my website. The Guide was created directly out of the game files themselves. The Influence Guide was verified using multiple playthoughs (sorry I didn't keep count). So, I have repeatedly met your challenges, however you have yet to answer mine. Show me the dialog entries that support your claims and I'll happily admit defeat, update the guide, and give you full credit for the find. So far, I appear to be the only one willing to admit that I might be wrong.


I will show you this. But not right now since I have to run out the door in five minutes. I'll work on this more tonight, but I will be in and out since I do have a basketball game to play tonight.
How convenient. I, for one, am eagerly awaiting your response.


I also ask someone else to try this who has the tools to check influence updates while in the progress of training her. They will see that I'm right.
Yes, we'll also see that you're right as soon as you post some evidence that supports your claim. Stop asking others to do your dirty work.
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I suspect that you're including INF shifts from her initial dialog while joining the party, which would put you at 74 (or even higher). Since you didn't include them, I didn't consider them. Perhaps you need better notes?

I think you need better notes. I guess that is why we're talking, huh?


I don't need to. I already know that it won't work

That's a good way to set yourself up for a big fall.


Open up the dialog and look for yourself; none of the options in those dialogs fire a_influence_inc or a_influence_dec. That means no shift. Can't change the facts, my friend.

You've misread the files then.


Your attempt to pawn this off on others is bemusing, though. I wonder why you're so hesitant to the heavy lifting yourself.

You keep setting yourself up for a big fall.


So far, I appear to be the only one willing to admit that I might be wrong.

When you have done something so many times, you can't count, why admit to something you know isn't there. I know I'm not going to be wrong about this.


How convenient. I, for one, am eagerly awaiting your response.

Well, Achilles (If you happen to know a members real name, Please be respectful and not post it in public unless they give you permission to do so. ), I can't always be around my computer, unlike you. I have a life, I have responsiblities. I have a beautiful wife (a pic of us is provided in my profile).


Yes, we'll also see that you're right as soon as you post some evidence that supports your claim. Stop asking others to do your dirty work.



But I'm ready to show you how I'm right about this. Below is my summary.

Haven't you notice, this is a public debate. People are reading this and some are wondering who is right. All I've asked is for those people to see it for themselves if they are in doubt who is right. It's not dirty work, so quit trying to make me look bad.


And I will expect your apology after all this, and especially how you treated me in your PM.




Handmaiden to Jedi progress report


This is a guide to making the Handmaiden to a Jedi.


Please note that my PC (the Exile) is named, Torran. Also the Handmaiden's name will be Brianna, since it is her real name.

I'm also using pictures from the dialogue entries to give you a visual guide.





At this point, the Handmaiden's influence is at 58 points. No Light or Dark Side shifts have been made with my PC.


Now I approach her to train with her. I've included all the dialogue until the first fight is over.






At this point, you have gained 16 points in influence, and your influence total points is now 74 points. No Light or Dark Side shifts have been made with my PC. There is a save point at the end of the dialogues in this area that starts off as, "No all Jedi Knights fell in battle..." that has nothing to do with the previous fight.


Now I approach her to train with again for the second time. Again, I've included all the dialogue until the second fight is over.




At this point, you have gained just 8 points in influence, and your current influence level is now 82 points. No Light or Dark Side shifts have been made with my PC. Again there is a save point at the very bottom.


Now it's time to ask the Handmaiden why she looks different than her sisters.








Now you have gained another 8 points in influence, and your current influence level is now 90 points. The beauty of this is there is that a Dark Side shift has been made by my PC and I got influence. Talk about a score. One thing has happened here is that you now have the nessessary influence points to train her as a Jedi, you just need to train with her one more time. Again there is a save point at the very bottom.


The next thing you need to do is talk to Kreia and in the bottom pics, it will reveal who the Handmaiden's mother was.







No Light or Dark Side shifts have been made with my PC, or influence with Kreia has been changed. You're still at 90 points influence with the Handmaiden. Again there is a save point at the very bottom.


Now you go and ask the Handmaiden to show you the final instruction.









There you can see the Handmaiden has now become a Dark Jedi Guardian. No Light or Dark Side shifts have been made with my PC. Now at this point, you would have gained 16 points in influence, but due to the fact that you were at 90, you only get 10 points, and your influence with the Handmaiden is now at 100 points.


Questions? Comments?


A great way to see the Handmaiden's influence progress is to check it once you have gain any influence with her to see how it matches up.

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You've definitely shown your ability to take screenshots of the dialog screen *clapping*. What your screenshots do not include is INF shifts. The arbitrary shifts that you've outlined in your post are wrong, and this is probably the 3rd or 4th time I've pointed that out.


Tell you what I'll do. Since the excel spreadsheet containing every single INF-related dialog in the game doesn't do it for you, I will take some time this evening to screenshot the actual dialog files for you. Maybe that will be enough, but somehow I suspect that it won't be...

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You've definitely shown your ability to take screenshots of the dialog screen *clapping*. What your screenshots do not include is INF shifts. The arbitrary shifts that you've outlined in your post are wrong, and this is probably the 3rd or 4th time I've pointed that out.

OMG, you just can't admit defeat. I even included in my summary to check your influence with the Handmaiden after each shift to prove my point. I hope somebody checks this out for themselves and gets back to here and verifies it for me, or as you would say "Do the dirty work for me", which it isn't. It's just verifying it for themselves.


There is no flaw in this work, you just don't have enough courage to admit it.

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OMG, you just can't admit defeat. I even included in my summary to check your influence with the Handmaiden after each shift to prove my point. I hope somebody checks this out for themselves and gets back to here and verifies it for me, or as you would say "Do the dirty work for me", which it isn't. It's just verifying it for themselves.


There is no flaw in this work, you just don't have enough courage to admit it.

your....summary....is....wrong. I can try all caps if it will help, but that's considered rude. It is your summary, not the game's summary, therefore it is unreliable. Don't worry, I'm still taking lots of pretty screenshots for you :D
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your....summary....is....wrong. I can try all caps if it will help, but that's considered rude. It is your summary, not the game's summary, therefore it is unreliable

It's not unreliable. All someone has to do is follow dialogue options I have provided in the pics and they will see that my way works. If someone is tired of this debate, just do what I suggest and verify it for me.


Also after each influence gain, I would suggest to either check it with the KSA, or the Remote Tells Influence mod over at PCGM to show you that I know what I'm talking about.



Keep it civil lads. Or I'll keep it civil for you. ;)

I'll do my best to make sure of it.

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