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Enhancing the Effect of Buddy Lists


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With the VB3 forums, the Buddy List has become passe. What if the Active User list on the main page would display the hyperlinks of your Buddies with the poster CSS style?


<a class="poster" href="...">


This would make Buddies appear as beige in Active User List while non-buddies would appear as white.


Edit: Well I see the current mouseover color is the same so the buddy color would have to be something else.

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I say put the display list of the current users that are in the same forum with you back at the top if possible. It was kinda neat seeing who was on and how many. Now it feels like you leave a message and hope someone responds at a later date and less like a dynamic message board.


It still feels good though, of course. : )

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The thing I do like with the New buddy list though is that it automatically refreshes itself after a minute or so... the integrated UCP version had to be refreshed manually and you could only view it while you were on that particular page...


As for the updated colors on the Active User List.. Obsidian's forums has that feature which is really nice.. plus the moderators/developers/etc. also have different colors as well (rather than appearing as bold text)...

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