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Tried to enhance the shot graphics...


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Tell me what you think. The first three shots are the new ones. What cannot be seen is the enhanced bolt speed which does make it all look better in my opinion... more like in the movies. I would have liked to make the bolts even longer, but then you get weird results with bolts sticking through smaller models (already have that effect now on very small crafts like fighters, but I think I can keep em like that). It's just the way the game handles the bolts, they have only one collision spot in the middle of the bolt, not at the tip as you would expect.


The last two shots are just for comparison. I did edit the actual texture of the shots, but they're so small it's hardly visible if you don't zoom in somewhat... but perhaps you see the difference.


Ion Cannons and Turbo Lasers

Medium Lasers and green Turbo Lasers

Moldy Crow firing small lasers

Comparison pic 1

Comparison Pic 2



edit: Added download location for the texture and the projectiles.xml


Projectiles.xml - rightclick & save (or your browser will open it) and put into GAMEDATA/DATA/XML folder (create if it does not exist)

Texture file - put into GAMEDATA/DATA/ART/TEXTURES folder (create if it does not exist)

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They're not ISD-long :p


@Jan: Sure you can... what exactly do you want? The optical changes should be in the texture .dds file and the projectiles.xml. There might be some other changes in it though because I'm still "playing" around with projectile damage and firing speeds...


@D0sd0: Depends... ranging from 25 (land based small lasers) to 100 (cap ship turbo lasers).

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Well I first wanted to see if anyone would be interested at all ;)

If no one wants those changes why upload them?


And concerning the size of the shots... well one thing is visibility... if you make em too small they don't really look dangerous. I think it's a matter of personal taste. Besides... when you take a look at the projectiles.xml you'll see how easily they can be adjusted.

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I'm gonna try this out. I'll post comments about it a little later.


Edit: Laz0rz pewpew! The effects are much better now. :)

Edit2: Are these some kind of other lasers already in the game? I seem to recall some old screens having lasers like this.

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Thanks for the feedback :)


If there were effects like this they are gone... there are only 3 textures for the lasers, the one I edited and two others, seemingly used for the lightsabres and some other effects.


The only weird thing is they applied the textures diagonally which results in somewhat pixelated bolts.

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Say, I've been trying alittle to figure out how I can get a red hue around the concussion missiles all day. I thought perhaps adding a few lines to it from the torpedo section, but that only overrides the missile texture and uses the torpedo texture instead.


I was hoping by doing this I would be able to see a missile cocooned inside an energy field, like we see in the movies and other games (x.wing series for instance). But it wasn't that simple unfortunatly. :/


Here's the code and the new lines are in bold and red:

	<Projectile Name="Proj_Ship_Concussion_Missile">
	<Damage_Type> Damage_Con_Missile </Damage_Type>
[b][color=red]		<Projectile_Custom_Render>2</Projectile_Custom_Render>
	<Projectile_Max_Scan_Range>0.0</Projectile_Max_Scan_Range>	<!-- was 750, changed so it doesn't reacquire targets -->
	<Projectile_SFXEvent_Detonate_Reduced_By_Armor> SFX_Small_Damage_Detonation </Projectile_SFXEvent_Detonate_Reduced_By_Armor>
<!--		<Projectile_Absorbed_By_Shields_Particle>Conc_Missile_Absorbed_By_Shields</Projectile_Absorbed_By_Shields_Particle> -->


Anyone got any ideas how to make this work?

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Well, here's an old shot, just for comparison.


Also, i really like that the lasers move much faster now.


Those look indeed similar... wonder why they changed it.


@Jan: I'm afraid I don't know how to achieve this... one thing could be a similar bolt with a missile drawn into it, engulfed by a glowing bolt... this missile woulnd't be 3d of course and I'm not sure if you can get some kind of smoke trail... just a thought.

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Should be no problem... take his projectiles file and change the apropriate length, width and speed parameters accordingly ;)) Then just put the texture into the right folder...


Btw. I toned the size down a little... it was a bit too much. I replaced the download for the PROJECTILES.XML (remember, rightclick and save). Compare for yourself... I think the new ones are better.

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I understand what you mean... but there's so many small mods around that you can't talk with everyone to make em compatible or put em together. That takes just too much time which I rather use to play, test and enhance my own gameplay ;)


Great work on combining the projectile changes! :)

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