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K1 Party members darkside transitions

lord ignarn

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Well, it would be kinda pointless seeing as how the only party member you that can actually "turn" is


so giving the other party members transistions would do nothing as their alignment (in terms of LS/DS) never changes :)

Actually you can, either through the KSE or by entering the "adddarkside" cheat while playing as that party member.

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Actually you can, either through the KSE or by entering the "adddarkside" cheat while playing as that party member.

Very true. I guess the author is wanting something like in TSL, where you can influence your party members to the Dark Side by just talking to them and gaining their influence.

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I don't actually think that can be done in Kotor, but the darkside transition is possible.

No it can't be done by dialogue. The closest you get to that is when you...



try to recruit Juhani and Jolee at the top of the Rakatan Temple, which of course backfires.


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I´d like the transitions at least for her But I don´t mean to have influence over my party members, I use the KSE for turning the party to the dark side. I just thought that having the transitions would be cool for my crew.


Actually just with her I would be very happy.


Thanks by answering fo fast!!

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Well, other than *counts on fingers* Mission, Juhani, and Bastila, I don't think there are any other believable areas in the game where the Adddarkside script would work in terms of storyline.


You could use it for Mission when you convince her to leave her brother to his foolishness, when you join Bastila on the Rakkatan (sp?) Temple but that already happens by default, and Juhani when you try to make her join you on the Rakkatan Temple but that has already been Made. ;)


There is also a Turn Carth DS and 2 Save Malak mods... but other than that I can't think of any others that have already been made.


Unless I miss-understand you completely and you just want evil transistions, then you might want This which has evil reskins for your party members ;)

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How involved would you want this? To do it right, their clothes would have to be changed, as well as their underwear...there could only be one transition in that case unless their skin didn't change after the first transition (Jolee would just look wrong in Sith Underoos). If you just want the face transitions and don't care about the rest, there could be four for each except Zaalbar (I think I could get Zaalbar in on the action).

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