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I have killed your operative!

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Whoever sent that damn bee to get me, your attempt was a failure. biggrin.gif


Allow me to backtrack. I was out riding my bike the other day, and stopped at the local cutlery shop to do some shopping. While there, I found a very nice replica of a Heian period Japanese court sword which I bought. smile.gif


Riding home, I got the usual assortment of strange looks a guy on a bicycle with a samurai sword draws... wink.gif I was on a busy street, in traffic along with rush hour commuters, when an odd little buzzing, whirring spiky thing flew directly into my face! It was a bee, which had stung me right on the lower lip.


I managed to keep from crashing, pulled the sword from my belt as I laid the bike down alongside the road. As my lip swelled up, I found the bee that had hit me, himself quite messed up by the experience. PBgrin.gif*Stomp!*


On the way home, I was stopped by a policeman who wanted to know why a guy with a fat lip and a sword was riding around on a bike. wink.gif Hee-hee...


Anyway. Bee assassins: send another one! I'm ready for you bastards.



'What's up is clearly defined as the opposite of what is down, in this case being the strongest source of local gravity...failing that, in space, what's up is opposite the direction of accelerative G-force--or what I'm targeting with these laser cannon. Die, b*tch!'


--Official forum space terrorist

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Guest Rogue 9

whaaaiiit a minute, if three of us said we sent bee's what happehed to the other two. there still on the way Imladil biggrin.gif

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I've been stung by 3 bees, ALL IN THE SAME SPOT!!!1



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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My electric bee radar detected you got hit 3 times Taarkin... Damn something must have gone worng with my electric bee 's satellite GPS guidence , must fix it so I can get Zoomie. But clearly the aiming system works perfectly: you being hit on the same spot.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Public sercvice announcement:


Never mistake an electric assassin bee for a cough drop/sweet/whatever.


<font size=1>It just gets weirder from here...</font>


Commander 598, it was indeed your bee. That 'toxin' is actually a powerful narcotic/pychoactive when used on giant rabbits. tongue.gif I'm having a colorful good time--thanks!


*(Stands naked in the bushes outside of his house with a sword.)* Two more bees? I'm ready!

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And while you are standing naked in the bushes, sword in hand, scanning the sky for more bees, my elite force of FIRE ANTS will be crawling up your leg, heading straight for...


Well,... I'd hate to ruin the surprise! biggrin.gif




"I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my life-style"

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One time I had tons of fire ants all over my body when I was 2.


Then last January,I was fishing and I sat down next to an anthill.I didnt notince untill there were 1,000 ants in my shirt and pants.And of course, they were all fire ants.

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Guest DarthSlapnutz

::Hands Zoom some bug spray::


Sounds like you will be having some "insectular" problems in the near future. I got your back though. You take the bee's, and I'll take the ants. Lets just hope that no spiders show up, or I'll have to call in a specialist. She's a cleaner, and she's very, very good smile.gif


:: pulls out a magnifying glass::


Bring on the ants!





"Dear me! What are those things coming out of her nose?"




"Oh $#!^, there goes the planet."


[This message has been edited by DarthSlapnutz (edited April 28, 2001).]

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