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Guest Fondas

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I did mean Isard's Revenge and Starfighters of Adumar.


What I meant is that all of the X-Wing books are arranged in a block except for Revenge (which is with Last Command), and Adumar which is listed after I, Jedi.


I know this because my Star Wars books are all shelved in order, from Tales of the Jedi to NJO. cool.gif


And yes, I did read Shadow Hunter. much darker than I usually expect from SW (NJO notwithstanding), but still very good.



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Well Zahn is one of my Favorite authers. I got almsot all the books he has writting (signed also) and not jsut hte SW ones either.


But i should warn you what SW Novels NOT to read...


Adventrues of Lando: Has some great card playing, but a lot of this stuff loses the "feel" for Star Wars.


Crystal Star: COnfusing, silly, and lame. Dont bother unless you are a SW fanatic.


Dark Empire, Dark Empire II, Empires ENd (Dark horse Comics) There are about 10 "super weapons" introduced in this series, artwork is kinda cruddy, but you do get to see Luke go to the Dark Side and ***** slap Han. smile.gif


Childern of the Jedi: I have read this 4 times, and still wonder who the children of the Jedi are. THos the part with luke is interesting, well done


Darksaber: KJA proves that he is the master of the "Super Weapons" this is almsot a Satire of SW. 'laugh at the hutt, and his million zillion fuzzy minions'


Boba Fett Death Lies and treachery (comic): For kids 12 and under olny, otherwise you might as well use it for toilet paper (i know the russians have)


Bounty Hunter Wars: Tirlogy. You learn in this series: Boba fett is the best bounty hunter.. boba Fett is a god, boba fett does not make msitakes, everyone else is a F***ing LOSER. Only read if you enjoy masturbating whiel reading about Boba Fett (i am serious)


Ewok Comic book: Recommended for kids 12 and under, awww, cute littel fuzzy bears in love. (i bought a copy with my allowace when i was 11, i started laughting at it when i turned 13)


JUNIOR JEDI KNIGHTS Ugh Ahh no.. super powers... weakening... must .. stop.. speaking.. fragments...


I, Jedi: Also known is "I, Betty Sue" the classic writers mistake of making a Super character that is unbeliveable. We find out that Corran is essecialyl Immune to Blaster fire (tho his clothsare not), he can make Luke think "These are not the droids tyou are looking for" he can now Outfly Tycho and Wedge in a Inferior craft. Oh, and he is also now a Master Saberist, even tho he has no TK ablility (unless he gets shot)


FYI: "Betty Sue" Was a term coined in the area of ST FanFic. A person created a character that coudl Out Sing Uhura, out Drink Scotty, Out bluff Kirk, Out logic spock, and on and on.


Readers were known to throw hard copies into the toliet, and gouge out thier eyes in reading somthing so unbelivable.


and i think the rest are safe to read.. as long as you read them in chronological order... i had a hard time understanding abotu the Ressureted Emporer until i read Dark Empire. if you want a Synopisis of the Dark Empire .. trilogy... feel free to E-mail me.

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I read the Bounty Hunter Trilogy, (I wanted to throw up afterwards).


The books I really like are all the Thrawn trilogy and Duology, the Correllian Trilogy, A New Rebellion, Courtship of Princess Leia, and the X-Wing Series.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Rogue 9

Corran is not a Super Character, he's been defeated in Duels with the Vong, been shot in the gut before he new he had force powers, while he is gifted in the jedi power of Alter-Mind he doesn't have any T.K. abilities unless he is shot or otherwise has energy directed at him. Darth Vader had the Ability to Absorb power as well as shown in ESB when han shoots him and he absorbs the bolts with his hand...

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Actually, I thought The New Rebellion sucked. I didn't think The Bounter Hunter Wars books were so bad, but Boba Fett was indeed a little much. And how many freaking times is the phrase "clever barve" used in that series? Crap, it must have been a few doezen times!


[This message has been edited by Keyan Farlander (edited May 10, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

Also Corran's been training with the saber from the time he escaped from Ysanne Isard up to the NJO series thats a long time span so of course he'll be good.

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New Rebellion was certainly...weird. Like how there was no "new rebellion" whatsoever, 3 VSDs almost beat 3 Mon Cal cruisers, and Wedge blew up a VSD with one turbolaser shot.



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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Um.. if you look at ESB again you wil lsee that Vader DEFLECTED hans Blaster bolts, and not absorb them. Corran horn got shot in the gut, when he had no training. And how do you practice with a lightsaber? He never really used his saber for anyhting but a Facny Flashlight ,and a cutting tool before he was trained.


Then there is how Corran was able to make a 3 gem, varible length Saber in 2 days with very little trainging, while it took Luke at least a week to make a 2 gem, fixed blade saber.


Corran was not, defeated by a Vong WARLORD, and got banged up pretty bad after fighting a inexperinaced Vong, and a Vetran Warrior.


I enjoyed Corran Horn asa character until "I, Jedi" then they decided to make him a Main character liek the BIg 4, and not a supporting character like Wedge.

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Guest Rogue 9

he built the lightsaber using the directions he recieved from his grandfather, if you read a little further you also notice that the second phase of the lightsaber failed because he failed to test it adequetly, Corran's character is far better than any of the Original.

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Guest Rogue 9

and the reason he did so bad against the first two vong he battled was he was already injured badly, I won't elaborate more so as not to spoil the story.

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I really like Corran in the X-Wing series, but after that he is no biggy.


The Bounty Hunter series I hated for a couple of reason (DULL PLOT). The author would give Boba Fett extremely hard mision that he would wisk through, but those were always falsh backs so you knew he survive in the first place. IT was just so repetitive...Boba Fett trust no one, can do anything and any interesting flash back in useless because you already know the outcome.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Fondas

[off topic]Hey Gunpa ! biggrin.gif [/off topic]



[on topic] Well, judging from your replies there are three kinds of SW novels

1.Must-read novels

2.Trash novels and

3.I, Jedi !!!!!


the latter must be the most contradictory SW novel, ever ! wink.gif





"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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Guest Fondas

Originally posted by Keyan Farlander:

...which sucked more than the gravimetric pull of the sun.





<font color="black">


[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited May 11, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

I' Jedi was one of the best Star Wars Novels written it was also the first one to be a first person novel instead of third person.

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

But i should warn you what SW Novels NOT to read...


Dark Empire, Dark Empire II, Empires ENd (Dark horse Comics) There are about 10 "super weapons" introduced in this series, artwork is kinda cruddy, but you do get to see Luke go to the Dark Side and ***** slap Han. smile.gif


Darksaber: KJA proves that he is the master of the "Super Weapons" this is almsot a Satire of SW. 'laugh at the hutt, and his million zillion fuzzy minions'


I, Jedi: Also known is "I, Betty Sue" the classic writers mistake of making a Super character that is unbeliveable. We find out that Corran is essecialyl Immune to Blaster fire (tho his clothsare not), he can make Luke think "These are not the droids tyou are looking for" he can now Outfly Tycho and Wedge in a Inferior craft. Oh, and he is also now a Master Saberist, even tho he has no TK ablility (unless he gets shot)


The Dark Empire comicbooks are all but necessary reading if you want to know whats going on in alot of the other SW books...but the artwork was juat BAD. I could elaborate, but...


I just read Darksaber. Interesting how they managed to totally misportray, change the life history, and kill off Crix Madine all in one book. And a lot of the stuff was just laughable. Like the wampa attack. And Mr. I've-been-executed-fifteen-million-times-and built-two-or-three Death-Stars-while following-the-orders-of-everybody-who-just-happens-to-come-around----? And ooo Durga was just sooo original wasn't he? rolleyes.gif Etc. etc. etc.


As for I, Jedi I have yet to read it. But everyone I know has highly recommended it but YOU...hmmmm... tongue.gifbiggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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