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Skip Turrent Fights?

Sid E Berns

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Hey, neeto! Someone linkied one of my old script hacks! :D


Anyways, as said above this little script simply skips over every "random" fighter battle, meaning you'll only ever have to deal with two per full KotOR game regardless how much flying around back and forth you wish to do.


The two remaining are story based rather than random, and while it's been a very long time since I actually did any KotOR modding and have forgotten most of what I knew back then, feel free to send me a PM or whatever if you have any problems with this script. If I find some free time, I might even go digging to try to remember what the heck I'm doing and maybe find a way to bypass the story based battles for you since I can well imagine how bloody annoying even those might be on a touch pad. :(



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I made a mod that skips all the fights. Just never released it. It's the same as the easy turrets fights mod: I just removed all the fighters so the game exits the fighting module immediately after loading. I could post it this evening.

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Another option might be is a $20 radio shack mini optical mouse. There ideal for notebooks because they are small. But this isn't a mod more of a fix because I'm sure in the future this may cause a problem for you in K2.

Speaking of K2 ,i just got it.why do i need a mouse?i was gonna ask if the no turret would work on K2?That and the ez turret were life savers on my second run through of kotor.

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Speaking of K2, I just got it. Why do I need a mouse? I was gonna ask if the no turret [mod] would work on K2?


There are no turret fights in K2:TSL that you must win. There is just one turret fight that you are forced to do, but it doesn't matter if you don't fire a single shot during that minigame. It'll just mean you get to repel more Sith Trooper boarders in normal combat along with your party members afterwards (which gives you more XP anyway).


The two other turret fights in K2:TSL are optional and you can choose to skip them entirely. You'll only miss out on roughly 800 XP for each if you skip them.

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Well those two turret fights. One you might now if you skipped because you have to access a control panel..though you have to access that panel any way to progress in the area. The other is with the same planet, you can either fight them or flee. Only the second one listed I see as skipped.

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