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desperately need help CONSOLE


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Ok I really have absolutely no idea whats up with this but I am unable to open the console. The ini-file is set correctly so thats not the issue. I use a german keyboard and i have the english or us version of kotor I and II, i am not quite sure which it is. i tried switching my keyboard layout to us or gb but that helped absolutely not at all. does anybody know whether the console can be remapped? I know I was once able to open the console but not anymore. I swear I shall go insane over this issue.


Any help would be greatly appreciated

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As I said, I have a german keyboard and we have a different layout, but nonetheless all the keys you described do nothing. and as you said it it is even described in german cheat codes that it should be the key above the tab and left of the 1 key, but it is just not working!

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Since you said you have both games... which particular game are you trying to get the console to work in?


If it's TSL (Kotor 2), then it's invisible :fist: You have to type blindly and hope that you're spelling is correct... hehehe...


Let us know which game you're trying to activate the console in so we can better try to troubleshoot :)


Just curious, is your keyboard layout like this:




If so, try the holding down the "Alt GR" key and pressing "+" :giveup:

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