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Where Zoom is

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Hey, gang. smile.gif


Uhm, Zoom Unit has been experiencing technical difficulties. The AOL computer demons have chosen to condemn my computer to the fiery pit of unreliable internet connectivity...


So. rolleyes.gif Hopefully soon I'll be back online and contributing my normal crazed rantings to this august forum. I shall use the antiquated telephone device to verbally express my unhappiness with the great AOL itself, and maybe I'll make the buggers see reason. Or not. There is, no doubt, 'something wrong with your phone lines...'


This message? biggrin.gif I put on floppy disk, fit it into a messenger pigeon and sent the poor creature on a mission to find a working computer and 'peck it in.' Since this is posted here at XWA, we may assume the bird was successful.


Anyway. <font color=red>Free Tibet!</font> 'Vive la resistance!' smile.gif



'What's up is clearly defined as the opposite of what is down, in this case being the strongest source of local gravity...failing that, in space, what's up is opposite the direction of accelerative G-force--or what I'm targeting with these laser cannon. Die, b*tch!'


--Official forum space terrorist

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RE JR2000Z:



You mean someone can have a life outside of posting here?!? God forbid!! Say it ain't so!!

NOOOOO!! It's not true!!! It can't be true!!!








Hope you had a good time!

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How ya doin bud? Are you on the line yet? This place hasn't been the same without you around. I'm beginning to feel deprived of my daily alottment of "Zoom-Speak"! And some of the conversations are threatening to become dangerously coherent without you. Come home soon!

BTW: When are you going to break down and get a real ISP?

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I've never quite trusted internet service that comes in a box with my breakfast cereal.

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I did.

Things have just seemed a bit, um...(well, NORMAL definitely isn't the word I'm looking for... perhaps TAME,... no that's not right either...) ...off, different somehow, around here for the last few days without him.

Took me a while to put my finger on it, but when I did it took even longer to clean and sterilize that finger afterwards. wink.gif

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Guest Rogue 9

I noticed his disapearence from RS before I noticed it here. as he makes up more of the posts at RS. biggrin.gif

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Guest Borg Collective

Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

Uhm, Zoom Unit has been experiencing technical difficulties. The AOL computer demons have chosen to condemn my computer to the fiery pit of unreliable internet connectivity...


We would just like to point out that we are not responsible for this.



Resistance is futile.

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Guest Forceflow

eah, I can't believe somebody actually USES them! I mean come on, what I heard is that they are overprized and aren't very reliable.


Plus I KNOW the softare sucks big time! Not to meantion that AOL loves to spy on their users trying to get as much information from them as they can...



Murphy was an optimist!

Webmaster of the X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Yay! It works!


Yes, AOL sucks. biggrin.gif This time, though, it wasn't their fault. I had staticky phone lines.


My posts should make a lot more sense now. smile.gif Tea? No hope for Cornwall...muskrats! Muskrats! Make mine tremble precious death hog in the morning, thank the ancient Greeks.


freak2.gif <font size=1><font color=red>Free Tibet!</font> 'Vive la resistance!'</font>

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Guest Redwing




At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

Tibet should not be freed. It's their fault they're in this state. I say crush the resistance and kick the Dali Lama in the butt with nice polished shoes since he is a very high religious person.



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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Guest Rogue 9

I see you've all now met G.A.I. Rogue Squadron.Nets Resident Troublemaker, don't worry he's house broken. tongue.gif

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

I can't say that I'm a trouble maker. I just have very different opinions. I myself believe Hitler did a good thing when he did all that Holocaust stuff. Also God is non-existant to me. See I'm not a troublemaker just a boy with different opinions.



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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Guest Rogue 9

I might add I did not Recruit him in My own Defense and I will waive the Normal RS Crew Defends its own rule in this case.



Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

*Ahem!* This summary kangaroo court of the Free Thinkers of Rogue Squadron is called to order:


Let's frag the b*itch. biggrin.gif


See? Justice gets done much more quickly if we just subscribe to vigilantism...


<font color=red>Free Tibet!</font> 'Vive la resistance!'

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