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Life Sucks

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This board is for anyone that just wants to complain about bad things goin on in their life. It's a good way to relieve stress


Oh yeah... I didn't start the "This Board Has It's own Pesonality Thread"



"History is like an endless waltz Miss Relina, the three steps of peace, war and revolution continually repeat themselves"


--Mariemaia Khushrenada




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so there my unit was: we were under fire from the Icelandic rebels that we had been sent in to pull out of Las Palmas (in the Canary Islands). I don't know what went wrong...we were laying down fire to keep the Norwegians back from the Russian hovercraft the Iceland "Iron Kitty" rebel group was going to use to escape in. Anyhow, our Spanish air support is coming in and I'm on the radio screaming "the norwegians are to the EAST, REPEAT EAST of the hovercraft" but those dumb Spaniards...they had to be Basques, no question. Those bastards hit the ICELANDERS so then all hell breaks loose. First we got no air support and the Icelanders think we're attacking them too. Now we've got the Icelandic "Iron Kitties" and the Norwegian 45th "Fighting Shoes" Armored Footwear division coming at us. We start to fall back to the hovercraft when Dimitri takes one right in the head and falls out of the control cabin. Luckily Buck "Snaggletooth" Wilson knows how to pilot one of those huge Russian hovercraft and gets us teh hell out of Dodge right before the Icelanders get on the ramp. Last time *THIS* merc ever works for the Bhutanese. They should stay out of Iceland's internal problems if they know what's good for 'em.



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ive got exams coming up and im worried im not going to get the A in maths that i need to do what i want.



women and food - Chocolate sauce? :D


if the above sig offends you please email me at the below address, or alterativly you may just wish to throw abusive emails in my direction its up to you?


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Guest Rune Haako

You messed it up, Nute. Every war story starts off with "No ****, there I was..."


With that in mind: No ****, there I was sitting in a Mexican jail and I'm down to my last three pesos...



Happiness is an automatic weapon with a belt feed.

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Guest Thrawn

He's trying to say that he's Space Ghost! DO I have to tell you EVERYTHING? biggrin.gif



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

Isn't Space Ghost the guy that wears tights and is left unattended with minors who are also in tights??????



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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Originally posted by edlib:


Taarkin? What are you trying to say?

Heck, what AREN'T I trying to say?




Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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Originally posted by Rune Haako:

You messed it up, Nute. Every war story starts off with "No ****, there I was..."


Maybe in the REAL ARMY, but not in the BHUTANESE MERC CORP. We're not allowed to swear or the Shah of Bhutanberg will cut our tongues out and use them to shine his sandal straps.



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Guest Jabba The Hunt

umm whats my sig?



Official Forum Newbian


For every wierdness there is an equal and opposite wierdness


For Chrisomatic web site handling email -


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I have another war story:

The Shah of Bhutanberg His High Excellency King Amheadakal Vishnu Amhotep Malcom Jamal Warner's spies, the elite G.H.E.Y., have informed him that the object of the Shah's desires (the new Hoth Leia figure) can be found in a Wal-Mart just outside Kansas City, MO. So the Shah, having recently forgiven my unit's poor performance in Las Palmas, calls us up. He ordered the retrieval of the Hoth Leia from the said Wal-Mart and told us to get the figure at all costs, assuming it was less than $7.99 plus tax and the card was in good shape. Oh yeah, and deadly force was authorized. With a new mission in hand, I pick my seven best shooters and my four best pilots. We load a gear and our Mi-24E Hind Gunship into our personal An-124. With that Moby's Hellcats set off for Kansas City.

So 19 hours later, we're approaching the wal-mart in the helo. Green and Yellow teams are dropped at teh back, while Blue (my team) and Red are dropped at the front door. The helo starts to circle while Green and Yellow wait for the go code. I bring my MP5/10A2 up and say "Anything in a blue vest is an employee and they're our enemies. If a civilian tries to stop you, they're down too. Alright boys, let's not let the Shah down this time. He's counting on us." I paused for dramatic effect. "Alpha go!" Blue and Red slowly walk through the automatic doors before storming into the building. The greeter raises his feeble old hand and says "Welcome to" before Snaggletooth double taps him in the head. "Bravo go!" I yell and Green and Yellow storm in the back. We turn left to run past the cash registers to the toy section while Red head back past electronics and clothes to come around behind us. Yellow and Green sweep down throw layway and seasonal before moving through the pharmacy and securing the express check out. So there we are running through wal-mart bagging anything in a blue vest. Finally we get to the aisle. Snaggletooth glances down and yells CLEAR! before Red checks and says clear too. I slowly walk down the aisle to the figures. There's three people in the aisle, two old women and some kid. THE KID'S GOT THE FIGURE. "PUT IT DOWN!" I yell. The kid just stares at me. "I SAID PUT IT DOWN! DROP THE FIGURE NOW!" The one old woman move so i hose her leg. "ANYONE ELSE WANT TO BE A HERO?!" I look back at the kid. "DROP IT NOW!" The kid throws the figure to the ground and bolts. I grab the toy. "LOOKS GOOD. $6.74. FIGURE SECURED." Blue and Red start to teh checkout with the figure. Red team announces "Moving precious cargo" and signals the helo that were three minutes out. We run to the checkout trying not to trip over the people laying on teh ground while their hands on their heads. Finally get to the checkout and pay for the figure. It came in under $7.99 so we knew the Shah would be please. Now all eight of us ran out of the store with the Wal-mart bag. We heard a huge explosion and saw that several local law enforcement vehicles had arrived. The helo had taken one out before having to move into position to get us out. The helo swept it's big gun across the cars while we ran to it. We drew some small arms fire, but didn't return any. I don't think any cops were killed. The helo took off, circled once and flew back to the transport.

The Shah was so pleased by the successful mission that I was promoted to First Class Kitten Herder. My new rank places me in the Upper Caste of Bhutanese society and I am guaranteed 11 personal servants, my choice of water or cherry Hi-C during the Week of Feast, unlimited salad bar privledges, and 9 hogs a year. I told the Shah that the mission would have been smoother if we had "giant fighting robots and one of those double-necked guitars" but I don't think he was listening.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

How many times have I lectured you kids about the importance of bringing your own peanut butter and midgets when you meet the Queen Mother?

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I have a story about the time I had to escort the Shah of Bhutanberg to visit the Queen Mother and we forgot the midgets. Luckily we had to fly over Mexico on the way. Here's a tip: getting mexican midget wrestlers in place of your standard midget is NOT a good idea.

But that's a story for another time.

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