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KOTOR III: The Price of Power

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Senyo turned so that one shoulder faced Bastila, and the other Revan. He cast a few hard looks at man and woman, his head darting from side to side as he tried to make a decision. He held his vibrosword out and ready, holding it parallel to his right leg. He leaned forward and snatched the sheath from the ground, retying it around his shoulder and under his arm. He glanced a few more times at the two Jedi, before giving a half-hearted smile, and clenching his right fist at waist level. His grip on his sword hilt tightened.

"Well, old man," he said, "You were itching for a fight a few moments ago." he looked up, his ice-cold eyes burrowing into Revan's, "And its a fight you're damn well going to get."

With that, Senyo dodged forward, a small shout escaping his lips. He swept at Revan, causing the Jedi to dodge to the right. He swept again, forcing him to the left and up against a wall.

"Syonara." he said, giving a mock salute as he ran past the man, and down the hallway. After a moment, he activated his stealth unit, and was gone.

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Bastilla had not moved but watched the direction that Senyo took off in before activating the stealth. She was thinking and sending through the Force You cannot shut yourself from the galaxy. Believe me I tried when I was left behind. It is not the Jedi Way to fight to get what we want. Then she spoke softly, "I know there is good in you."

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"Query: Where is the pointy haired meatbag?" HK-47 said with a sigh. He turned around and looked the room over, then moving to work on another area in the cockpit.


"Statement: Hydrospanner." A hydrospanner, out of nowhere, flung at his head and clunked against his metal, making him stumble forward a little.


"Threat: One more outburst from you and I will dissassemble you myself, T3-M4," he said, grabbing the wrench and starting to work again.


T3 slammed into his back, knocking him over. "Statement: Okay, you asked for it."


Within moments, a long, fading squeal was heard (like R2-D2) as T3 soared in the air out of the ship, landing on it's side and rolling into a wall nearby Revan, sparking profusely.

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Senyo went over in his mind the fare prices that he had checked and re-checked at the public transport docks that weren't all that far from the Enclave, closer to Koonda. Regardless of how much he wished it, the amount of credits he had wasn't anywhere enough to buy him passage to Nar Shadaa.

Maybe he could just hop a shuttle to someplace closer, with a cheaper ticket? There, he could probably get enough money with a few odd jobs to pay his way to Nar Shadaa...but no. That would just take longer, he decided. He sighed, running his hand through his spikey hair exasperatedly. What the hell was he going to do?

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Senyo was tempted to go up to the wrecked ship, and call inside, see if maybe he could help out for a few extra credits. Though as he walked nearer to it, he felt the hair rise on the back of his neck. He turned the corner, knowing whoever was following him, and he had a good idea who it was, would follow.

Sure enough, as Bastila turned the corner, she found a blaster muzzle staring her down.

"Another step and your dead." he said, cocking the chamber for emphasis. "Why the hell do you keep following me?? Why can't you just leave me the frack alone?!"

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"That hunk of sh*t will never be spaceworthy again." Senyo said, his blaster never swaying and his eyes never leaving Bastila. "Though I do think that you should be careful who you threaten, especially when the person was able to slip a sonic disc into your circuitry while your back was turned." Senyo pulled out a slim, metal tube from his pocket. It was a detenator, and he handled it meaningfully.

"Now here's what I want you to do. I want all of you freaks to stop following me, and just let me be. If you don't, the Jedi Princess over here gets one between the eyes, and Mr. Bucket-o-Bolts gets a fatal overload of all systems. Your choice."

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Bastilla stood there looking at him in the eyes. She said, "I am sorry you feel this way. I thought you would want a second chance." With a deft move she sent the blaster flying away and summoned the detonator to her. She continued to look at Senyo while saying, "You may leave then but if you want a chance to be at peace, you will know where to find me."

She motioned HK to follow and holding the detonator carefully, she walked towards the enclave.

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Bastilla stood there looking at him in the eyes. She said, "I am sorry you feel this way. I thought you would want a second chance." With a deft move she sent the blaster flying away and summoned the detonator to her. She continued to look at Senyo while saying, "You may leave then but if you want a chance to be at peace, you will know where to find me."

She motioned HK to follow and holding the detonator carefully, she walked towards the enclave.

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HK walked and followed Bastila, giving a violent leaving shoulder thrust to Senyo as he passed. Being pure metal, it was more of a strike to the bone. A hard thud was heard as he did so, then trotted up to walk behind her.


"Statement: T3 might help get the thing the meatbag put in there, out of me."

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HK walked and followed Bastila, giving a violent leaving shoulder thrust to Senyo as he passed. Being pure metal, it was more of a strike to the bone. A hard thud was heard as he did so, then trotted up to walk behind her.


"Statement: T3 might help get the thing the meatbag put in there, out of me."

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The shattering shoulder thrust HK had sent his way knocked Senyo to the ground, where he landed in an undignified heap. He watched the woman and droid walk away, conversing on how to get the sonic disc out of HK's systems. The woman still had his detanator. With a grunt, he reached over and grabbed his blaster, and slid it into a compartment on the inside of his boot before standing again. He didn't care about the detenator. In reality, there was no sonic disk. It had all been a bluff, but hell, it got him out of the situation pretty quickly.

Hands in his pockets, he left the Enclave, with only a single look back. That one look hadn't been brought about by the promise of a 'changed life' or 'peace within himself', but by Tysy, the lone person who had ever truely helped him in his life since his parents had died. Her actions had meant a lot to him...he just hoped he got the chance to repay her.

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Bastilla had learned more by Senyo's manner through his actions rather than his words. She went to find Tysy and told her, "You have done a great thing helping. It will be repaid one way or the other. Until that time, I would like it if you would consider training with me even though you were exiled."

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