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EaW: Total Realism v1.1 (gold)


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found another issue that is probably serious...I get some sort of error that crashes the game in landbattles...I'm thinking it either has something to do with projectiles, infantry, or anti-infantry turrets...can't quite put my finger on what it is just yet, but it freezes the game screen...all you can do is ctrl-alt-del out and see that some error has occurred...if you choose either option it exits the game.

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Well, the (final) version of EaW:TR is out there waiting for you :). Unfortunately, we will not try to fix the Autoresolve issue since, after a message i got from Darth_Torpid-PG, the whole code behind this function is way more complicated than you can imagine.


So, version 1.1 can be downloaded from http://users.auth.gr/~atsiolas/EaW%20TR.htm . If you have any problem with the download link, just drop me a line.


As said v1.1 is the final one, until the official patch and edittor tools arrive. In the meanwhile, keep sending us feedback about imbalance issues and bugs and we'll release small patches to keep everyone satisfied :)


Also, if you scroll down in the forementioned link, you can quickly see the changes done in v1.1, which can be also found in the readme file.


What's left to say is, enjoy EaW:TR and expect more goodies when the editting tools are out! (rumours say about the end of March, but nothing is confirmed...)

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Vandem, it should be ok now. Although the counter is temporarily out, the download link works.


And now to some interesting info....



Well, contrary to what said, a nice handy galactic map .xls fell in our hands (can't remeber the guy who made it, he's from PFF forums), and so, we decided to move on 1.2 version among with some interesting additions such as:


  • Full re-scaling of Ground units & buildings
  • Full re-scaling of Space units & buildings
  • Add TIE Advanced X-1 for Empire
  • Miscellaneous balance tweaks (mainly for M2 Repulsor and MKII)
    ...and last but not least
  • Re-mapping of Galactic Map to boost strategy to a new level


Obviously the rescaling and GC remapping will be the most important additions with the last one be a real challenge. We migth release more than one different GC mappings, from easier to veteran. Our goals is to implement real "choke-points" in the GC, making some galaxies isolated from the rest and diificult to keep an eye on (but really precious to control) and more, and as such, we will (most luckily) not take in account the "real" SW universe system; it's all due to make this game more challenging, not "by-book" made.


Stay tuned. Althought we got plenty work in real-life (studies, work etc) we won't let you down :)

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It measn that we will remanage the galaxy map only so you have planets of strategical impotance which will prevent the ennemy from enterning into the spcific sectors. Chocke points.

As soon as mod tools are released and if it is possible we will make larger maps for galactic conquest, both space and ground. Until then we only try to make the game more strategic rather than having rooling stones from the begining of the game.


We try to make player think his next move and in that manner we inspire from history.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks to be a top mod, could I just ask about bombing runs though...I see in the changes log that the figure for damage is higher. The bombing runs seemed way too overpowered beforehand so is this even more of an increase??


Any help with what all the bombing run values equate to would be much appreciated, they are the main bone of contention in my multiplayer galactic conquest games!!





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Yes, bombing runs have been slightly increased, but since all units health has also increased, they cannot take out heavy units (ATAT, T4B, M2 and T2B take heavy damage and so on) and buildings (turrets, production facilities) with one pass. Mind that bombing run range has decreased as well.


As for MP, i hope that when both players have the exact same mod installed, then they can play with it online. If not, Torpid told me that they're working towards this mod-support in coming patches (if not compatible already). I really want to play the LAN campaign with my brother too, but with EaW:TR installed, not the original game :)


Btw, im posting a new thread about the upcoming EaW:TR version 2.0 . Major changes.......stay tuned ;)

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Well the LAN campaigns we've been playing are with MistenTH's space realism 3.0 mod installed on both our PCs. Works fine with latest patch 1.03.


Hence the appeal of your mod, as the space battles we have are great but land battles are decidedly in the empire's favour...hopefully this way we'll get the best of both worlds!


Try it out tonight anyway, thanks for the info on bombing runs, if these still feel overpowered I may try to tinker with them a little :)

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Ok ppl.


Little update on the next version.


We redone GC map and this is what you can excpect in the next release.




Now we changed how traveling is working.


In the original game :

Let's say that you have planet A and planet B. In order for your fleet to travel from planet A to planet B, the planet B had to be within the range radius of the planet A.


Meaning that you and AI were able to hop from planet to planet and that the frontline was materilized in very rare occasions.


Now we wiped out such system. In order for you to travel from planet A to planet B two planets must be connected with the hyperspace route. No connection no travel even if the planet B is within radius range of the planet B.


The good thing about this system is that now you have key planets which will give you the possibility to travel from one rim to another or which are simple crossroads.


The Empire is starting with coreworlds under its control whereas rebels are having only the Datooine.


We tryed to stick as close as possible to the SW galaxy map used in movies and SW lore.


Units are all rescaled as well as structures......

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