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The Rebels steal new technology, but.......


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.....How do the Rebels increase their technology level?

The Rebels steal new technology from the Empire. Send C-3P0 and R2-D2 to the steal slot on an enemy planet and choose a new technology to purchase. When all of the technologies of a particular level have been acquired, the Rebels will go up a tech level.......


OK, I understand, but when I play as Empire (Galactic Conquest) how can I prevent this (arrrgh, my english), again -->

is any way to stop C-3P0 and R2-D2 ?


IMHO when I play as Rebels it is too easy to gain new technology, just courious.......


Best Regards



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Well, Boba Fett can neutralize the droids and prevent them from stealing technology for a short time, but his services are expensive.


Thank You Elukka --> it is really working ? Rebels really cannot increase technology level when droids (C-3P0 and R2-D2) are neutralized ?

Hmmmm, interesting :-)


Best Regards



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Are you sure, i see nothing in that post that answers that?


Rebels really cannot increase technology level when droids (C-3P0 and R2-D2) are neutralized ?

Hmmmm, interesting :-)


Rebels get a tech level increase when they steal enough tech. If they can't steal tech, then they obviously cannot increase their tech level. :)


In other words :


Koci : If the droids are neutralized, can the rebels increase their Tech level?

Elukka : Rebels increase their Tech level when the droids steal techs, so if they cannot steal, they cannot increase.


Makes sense to me.

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Realistically there is no way to prevent the droids. In order to neutralize them, you must first know their location and get them before they move somewhere else. In order to know where the droids are you must use probe droids or boba, sending them to every planet. The chances of finding them (in a big game) are slim. And the droids spawn faster than boba, so theirfore even if you did neutralize them, all the rebel player has to do is wait and then use them.


So all in all you may be able to prevent it for a while, but not forever.

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