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EaW: Rebellion


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rofl DMUK, ive been waiting for that... and i havent been active much lately, very crazy busy, im now working 2 jobs (was 3 for a few weeks) and taking 16 credit hours with at least one or two major papers/projects/exams each week kinda sucks my energy down the drain...


anyhoo, i just saw that post about the expansion, and it seems like it will have some of the things the dev's cut out that will help out my ideas for this mod so i might just have to refocus on that when it comes out, presuming its anytime soon...


foshjedi, i had no idea someone had actually gotten it to work, seemed to me like it was built into the engine, i lost countless hours about to toss my comp out a window trying everything i could to get it... so ill stop by and take a look... thanks for the help, i appreciate it

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