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[FIC]Rescue From Mustafar: Special Edition

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Looking back, I felt that my Rescue from Mustafar story was too short, and not as well put-together as its sequels, so I decided I'd redo it.


A long time ago, in a Galaxy

far, far away....






It is a perilous time for the

Third Galactic Republic.

The ancient assassin droid,

HK-47, has reappeared after

four thousand years, and

declared war on all organic life.


This war has struck the

Republic hard, as its once

sworn enemies, the Yuuzhan

Vong, are now loyal allies,

and hated the most by

the forces of HK-47.


A deadly Droid warship

looms over the capital

world of Coruscant, bent

on bringing the great

Republic to its knees....

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Well, this isn't exactly going to be like the Star Wars Special Editions, but I'm glad you're looking forward to it.

"Statement: Lord Bizzaroon, we have arrived at Hyperspace Coordinates 0, 0, 0." HK-47 said to the holographic figure of the mysterious Sith Lord. "Good work, begin landing your troops." The hologram replied. "Suggestion: I recommend we simply destroy the planet via Orbital Bombardment." HK-47 commented. "I reactivated you and the CIS's Droid Army for a reason, and I can deactivate you just as easily. Now, do as I say, droid." The Sith Lord replied. "Acknowledgement: Yes, sir." HK-47 replied.

Immediately after, HK Imperium landing craft began their descent towards Coruscant, and with them, would come the end of the Republic.

At the Republic Military Base, alarms immediately went off, and troops began moving to their ships, to the Star Destroyers for defense in space, and to the ATTs for the defense on ground.

At the Executive Office Building, Republic Chief of StateKomad Secura, got out of his desk as three Jedi entered his office. One of them, his son-in-law, a human named Alkonium Kaltas informed him of the present danger. "Sir, we have to get you to safety. The Republic depends on it!" He said. "I will not cut and run in the face of these enemies." Komad replied. "Komad, Blai would never forgive me if anything were to happen to you, and that might seriously reduce your chance of having any grandchildren." Alkonium responded. "Alright. Kaité, do what you can to make sure the droids don't follow us." Komad then said to Kaité Naberrie, the Vice Chair of the Republic Senate. One of the other two Jedi, a male human from Corellia named Isomah Enu, looked nervously, as he and Kaité had been dating for the past two years. Hethra Iazoki, a male human from Tython, attempted to reassure Isomah. "Don't worry, the droids probably won't even reach the Senate District." He said to his friend.

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Nice. I was expecting an intro like it was X amount years after this. It kind of helps set the setting ya know what I mean? Don't get me wrong it is good but sometimes a bit of description helps with character development, etc. Don't take my word for it completely because I'm still learning myself. Anyways, good show and hope to see more.

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