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Asajj Ventress Recruitable Mod


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I've thought about this before, but I hate to say this kind of project is beyond my abilities. However I did think of some ways how it could be done, if nothing else but to inspire anyone considering this.


Body: IMO, the best character model would be to use the bald & pony-tailed female and to remove the pony tail in a 3-D modeling program, and then just make the skin very pale. For DS transitions the eyes could go completly white, like in the Clone Wars animated series.


For a less compliacted fix, the generic black bald female character could also be made to look like Asajj if her skin and hair was retextured to look pale, but the nose is a bit more broader.


Clothing: Asajj is only really well known for wearing two distinctive garments; a black Jedi robe and a full length body robe, as pictured:

Jedi Robes | Full Robes


The Jedi robes would be easy enough to make; just take any regular dark Jedi robes and retexture the sleeves to look like pale arms and add a few straps. The full length robe is a bit more tricky but doable. You could use the Revan Robes and retexture it so that it's fully black and white in the appropiate areas.


Lightsabers: If anyone felt so inclined, Asajj in total possesed four lightsabers during her career. At one time she weilded a blue and green lightsaber (one was her own, the other her former masters). I don't have any good pictures of the hilts, but I'm sure they could be found. Later she weilded two curved handle red lightsabers similar to Count Dooku's


Stats: She would be best suited as Jedi Guardian with full two weapon and lightsaber proficiency. The only Force powers I know her to posses would be Force Push and Throw Lightsaber.


Again, that's just my interpretation, and Val-Dorn probably already has some idea of what he would like to see. But as anyone can see this mod is very possible, and I for one would love to use her in my game too.

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Lightsabers: If anyone felt so inclined, Asajj in total possesed four lightsabers during her career. At one time she weilded a blue and green lightsaber (one was her own, the other her former masters). I don't have any good pictures of the hilts, but I'm sure they could be found. Later she weilded two curved handle red lightsabers similar to Count Dooku's


Here they are (both sets):



However, I am deep in the world of Oblivion currently, and it doesn't look like I (personally) can take the request...as I'm not anywhere close to breaking the surface of this game ;)


But hopefully there will be a taker. Asajj was a favorite villain of mine in the Clone Wars animated series. :D

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